Nicaraguan Contras

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Adolfo Calero (center) with FDN peasants. Eden Pastora, former Comandante Cero




     Sandinista destruction of Indian
   communities and forced relocation

Resistencia Nicaraguense
Contras FDN ERN (Univision, Español)

Accused of bigamy, lawmaker in Nicaragua fires shots in assembly chambers, surrenders
Munitions cache destroyed
CIA admits it overlooked Contras' links to drugs
Commander Zero's fate: Zero job, zero money; time to sell off jewelry
Ex-Contra killed, 3 hurt in Nicaragua protests
Ex-contra leader, on visit home, finds his war is over
Former Contra base is reborn as airport
Former Contra leader treated at hospital for effects of hunger strike
Former Contra rebels seize Nicaraguan crossroads
Former contras leave Peruvian Embassy
French to clear mines unearthed by Hurricane Mitch
Mitch leaves scattered mines
Nicaraguan guerrilla fighter's last battle may be with hunger
Nicaragua renews effort against mines
Pastora ends strike over citizenship issue
Remains Found at Honduran Base
Two dangerous criminals captured in Nicaragua
For contras, a reprise of bitter discontent

Concluye el desarme de 1.500 indígenas rearmados

Confuso choque entre indígenas y ejército deja 2 muertos y 5 heridos
Destruyen 7,000 minas en toda Centroamérica
Ex contras denuncian persecusión
Entregan sus armas un total 181 indígenas rebeldes
Grupo rearmado clandestino llama a la insurrección en Nicaragua
Otorgan a campesinos tierras de la antigua base de la CIA y los contras