Haiti Revolt
February 2004

    A gunman walks past looters on Feb. 27 at the the Port
    of Port Au Prince. Violence has increased steadily and
    rebel forces have virtually isolated President Aristide
    in the capital.
      Tires burn in the street as supporters of President Aristide
       rally to fight a rebel advance on Port-Au-Prince.


     Bodies of execution victims continue to be left on the streets
     of Port-au-Prince. One of the bodies had the hands tied behind
     its back. Several bodies were left on the streets as violence
     escalated in the capital city.
     Looters carry boxes from inside the port in Port-au-Prince. 
     Deadly violence, looting and chaos broke out Feb. 27 in
     Port-au-Prince amid fears that the rebels who have already
     seized most of the country were set to storm the capital.

     Looters carry off goods from the port as lawlessness continued
     in Port-au-Prince.


     Looters run past a burning building in the downtown area of
     Port-Au-Prince on Sunday, Feb. 29. Thousands of looters filled
     the streets as they heard news that Haitian President Aristide
     had left the country.