Haiti Revolt
February 2004

     Residents gather around two bodies of victims that were shot
     and killed execution style in Port-au-Prince, on Feb. 27. One
     of the bodies had his hands cuffed behind the back. Several
     bodies were left on the streets as violence escalated in the
     capital city.
      In Cap-Haitien, meanwhile, rebels guard the streets in the
      downtown area on Friday, Feb. 27.


     Haitians crowd a gas station in Petionville
     after learning the service station would be
     open soon for business. Deadly violence
     and chaos broke out in Port-au-Prince.
      Armed supporters of President
      Aristide parade in front of the
      presidential palace in Port-au-Prince,
      on Friday, Feb. 27.

      Haitians loot containers at the seaport in Port-au-Prince, on
      Friday, Feb. 27.
     A man gestures with a shotgun as looters make their way to
     the port past a dead man in Port-au-Prince on Feb. 27. The
     man was killed during looting that erupted in the morning.