Cuban Missile Crisis
October 1962

John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev 




U-2 intelligence aircraft


Robert McNamara and Fidel Castro, October 2002

Transcript of 24 messages exchanged between Kennedy and Khrushchev, Oct.-Dec. 1962
Khrushchev correspondence, Cuba, Vol. I-A, 10/22/62-10/27/62
Khrushchev correspondence, Cuba, Vol. I-B, 10/26/62-10/30/62
Correspondence transcripts in the National Archives

Kennedy Administration allows Soviet Military Presence in Cuba (State Department Bulletin, Feb.-May 1963)
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance describes the Kennedy-Khrushchev understandings (Sept. 5, 1979)
President Jimmy Carter reconfirms the Kennedy-Khruschev understanding (Oct. 1, 1979)
Soviets adhere to the Kennedy-Khrushchev understanding as confirmed in 1970 (Statement, Oct. 29, 1979)
How Reagan Might Change Latin Policies (Roger Fontaine interview, Aug. 24, 1980)
Recuerda Castro que EE.UU. Tiene un Compromiso de no Agredir a Cuba Roja (Diario las Americas, abril 21, 1981)
U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism, Feb.-March 1982
Conservative pressure brings U.S. review of '62 accords on Cuba (Miami Herald, July 7, 1983)
Senator Jesse Helms to Antonio de la Cova, Aug. 19, 1983
'62 Cuba invasion ban may be void -- Reagan (San Juan Star, Sept. 15, 1983)
Helms Says Pact Ending '62 Missile Crisis Impedes U.S. on Cuba (Washington Post, Oct. 21, 1983)
Helms: '62 missile-crisis accord paralyzes U.S. against Havana (Oct. 21, 1983)
Campaña de ABDALA para Derogar el Pacto Kennedy-Krushchev (Diario las Americas, Sept. 29, 1983)
Desarrolla ABDALA una Campaña para la Derogacion del Pacto Kennedy Khruschev (Diario las Americas, Nov. 6, 1983)
Ronald Reagan refuses to denounce the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement (Aug. 24, 1985)
Propone el legislador Art Simon se recomiende al congreso repudiar el pacto Kennedy-Khrushchev (Diario las Americas, Oct. 17, 1985)
Legislador puertorriqueño insta a EE.UU. anular el pacto Kennedy-Kruschev de 1962 (Diario las Americas, enero 26, 1986)
Presentan una resolucion para el rechazo del pacto Kennedy-Kruschev (Diario las Americas, marzo 4, 1986)
Florida State Resolutions on the Kennedy-Khrushchev Accord, June 6, 1986
Firmas reclaman derecho del exilio a la beligerancia (Mayo 7, 1992)
Letter from George Bush to Armando Perez Roura, May 6, 1992
Antonio de la Cova and Senator Jesse Helms exchange of letters, Dec. 1994 / Jan. 1995
Antonio de la Cova and Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen exchange of letters, March 1995
Letter from Dennis Hays to Antonio de la Cova, April 7, 1995
MNC letter to Representative Robert Menendez, April 19, 1996
Manrara, Luis V. Betrayal Opened the Door to Russian Missiles in Red Cuba (1968)

Nash, Philip. The Other Missiles of October: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Jupiters 1957-1963 (1997)

Congressional testimony of Maj. Gen. Jack G. Merrell, March 20, 1963
Congressional testimony of Lt. Gen. T. P. Gerrity, April 26, 1963
Congressional testimony of Maj. Gen. W. W. Momyer and Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Brockway McMillan, May 14, 1963

McGeorge Bundy interviewed by Tomas Regalado

Castro Shows at Missile Crisis Film
Castro speaks out during wide-ranging TV interview


In J.F.K. File, Hidden Illness, Pain and Pills
The Leader Who Led (by Theodore C. Sorensen)
Welcome to Dallas Mr. Kennedy- Nov. 22, 1963
Zapruder film of Kennedy Assassination in Dallas (Video)
Explosive Jackie O tapes 'reveal how she believed Lyndon B Johnson killed JFK and had affair with movie star' (London Daily Mail, Aug. 8, 2012)
First-person account of how JFK took intern's virginity in his wife's White House bed (London Daily Mail, Feb. 10, 2012)
Should a president be judged by his sexual morals? (Miami Herald, Feb. 11, 2012)
JFK intern recounts long-ago affair in new book (Miami Herald, Feb. 13, 2012)
The gushing letters of JFK's three young intern lovers Daily Mail, Nov. 10, 2013

Khrushchev's Human Dimensions Brought Him to Power and to His Downfall
Khrushchev Ousted From Top Posts; Brezhnev Gets Chief Party Position And Kosygin Is Named

Abram Chayes, 77, Dies
Adlai Ewing Stevenson: An Urbane, Witty, Articulate Politician and Diplomat
America is in Danger Curtis E. LeMay (1968)
Missile Crisis a defeat for U.S., gave permanency to Castro Senator Pat Moynahan (Playboy interview, March 1977)

Foreign Relations of the United States : 1961-1963 Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath
The Kennedy Years 1961-63
Dept. of State, Foreign Relations, Vol. VI, Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges

Kennedy wanted sabotage against Cuba, papers show
Operation Mongoose: Assassination Plots
Operation Mongoose: Program Review by the Chief of Operations, Edward Lansdale (Jan. 18, 1962)
Operation Mongoose: The Cuba Project
Operation Mongoose-Propaganda Balloon Operations Plan (Oct. 10, 1962)
Mongoose Meeting with the Attorney General (Oct. 16, 1962)
U.S. Nabs Anti-Castro Fighters-Why? (Dec. 5, 1962)

The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: The Photographs (The National Security Archive)
Kennedy praises movie about his brothers
Thirteen Days

JFK's 'victory map' to sell for $20,000 (Daily Mail, April 4, 2018)


105 U.S. Nuclear Missiles in Great Britain, Italy, and Turkey

Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis (The American Political Science Review, Sept. 1969)
Cuba map linked to JFK finds new route to Miami
Cuba no fue la primera base de cohetes nucleares soviéticos
Effort to warn JFK turned into nightmare
Revelan discrepancias sobre la crisis de los misiles
Reino Unido, Uruguay, Brasil e Italia informantes CIA crisis misiles
U.S. Imposes Arms Blockade on Cuba Because of the New Offensive-Missile Site
U.S. sues to stop sale of JFK's Cuban missile crisis map
The Missile Crisis: His Finest Hour Now (World Politics, Jan. 1975)
U.S. Manipulations Leading to Cuban Missile Crisis Exposed. Anatoly A. Gromyko (Moscow Voprosy Istorii, July 1971)
Cold War and Counterrevolution: The Foreign Policy of John F. Kennedy. Richard J. Walton (1972)
The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy. Alexander L. George (1971)
Canada, the United States, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Jocelyn Maynard Ghent (Pacific Historical Review, Mat 1979)
The Crisis and Cuban-Soviet Relations: Fidel Castro's Secret 1968 Speech (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)
Mikoyan's talks with Fidel Castro and the Cuban leadership, Nov. 1962 (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)
Fidel Castro, Glasnost, and the Caribbean Crisis (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)
Russian Foreign Ministry Documents On the Cuban Missile Crisis (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)
Using KGB Documents: The Scali-Feklisov Channel in the Cuban Missile Crisis (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)
The "Lessons" of the Cuban Missile Crisis for Warsaw Pact Nuclear Operations (Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Spring 1995)

After Cold War, warmth
Al Borde De La Guerra Nuclear
Assessment of causes and context essential
Brothers in Arms
Carta De Fidel Castro a Nikita S. Khrushchev
Castro Blames Khrushchev for Crisis
Castro hosts missile crisis reunion
Castro Ordeno Derribo De Avion Estadounidense
Castro still frets about '62 missile showdown
Castro Puso Nerviosos a Los Sovieticos En 1962,  Segun Documentos
Caution Called Lesson of Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis Experts Honored
Documents shed light on Cuban missile crisis
Former foes come together to recall 1962 Cold War crisis
40 Years After Missile Crisis, Players Swap Stories in Cuba
40 years later, Cuban missile crisis sites visited
JFK Aides Say Bush Is Wrong On Crisis
Kin of Kennedy, Khrushchev discuss Cuban crisis, Iraq
Los Dramaticos‘13 Dias’ Aleccionan 40 Años Despues
McNamara: Risk of nuclear weapons should disappear
More Revealed on Cuban Missile Crisis
The October Crisis is a lesson for the present-day international community
Piloting A Hero Home
Schlesinger states that all participants talked from a constructive and peaceful perspective
Se Inicia Conferencia Sobre Crisis De Cohetes En Cuba
Soviets Close to Using A-bomb in 1962 Crisis, Forum Is Told
Thirteen Lies: Kennedy and the 1962 Cuban Crisis
Thirteen Lies: Kennedy and the 1962 Cuban Crisis Part 2
Thirteen Lies: Kennedy and the 1962 Cuban Crisis Part 3
The truth about Cuba’s participation in the crisis is clearly established
U.S., Cuba discuss missile crisis
U.S. policy on Cuba makes no sense