Anasazi Culture
Mesa Verde, Colorado
850 A.D.-1250 A.D.
Click on the images
Cliff Palace
Spruce Tree House

Mesa Verde National Park
Mesa Verde National Park Map

Biochemical evidence of cannibalism at a prehistoric Puebloan site in southwestern Colorado
Social Strife May Have Exiled Ancient Indians
Vanished: A Pueblo Mystery
Mystery of Ancient Pueblo Jars Is Solved
New Data Suggests Some Cannibalism By Ancient Indians

Mystery of the Anasazi--DiscoveryHistory Science (43:44 min.)
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 1 of 6
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 2 of 6
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 3 of 6
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 4 of 6
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 5 of 6
Cannibalism and the Anasazi, part 6 of 6