Haiti Revolt
February 2004

     Opposition forces destroyed the main police station in
     Gonaives on Feb. 10 after running the police out of
     town and sieging power.
A little boy on Feb. 17 walks through the charred remains of the
main police station in Hinche. The police chief and two other people were killed, and the police complex along with the jail was set on fire after the prisoners were freed.

   Members of the opposition force patrol the streets on Feb. 10.


      A series of roadblocks, some of them burning, clutter the
      main route through the town of Gonaives on Feb. 10, which
      also serves as the main north/south highway. Commercial 
      trucks and buses have not been allowed to pass through,
      cutting off food supplies in the north.

     At the Papaye Peasant Movement, a
     rebel soldier stands guard after taking
     over Haiti's Central Plateau on Feb. 17.
     A resistance fighter stands guard
     outside a destroyed police station.