Text of President Bush's remarks about Cuba Monday from the White House
By The Associated Press
Bienvenidos. Welcome to the White House for the 100th anniversary
of Cuban independence. Today we honor the ties of friendship, and family
and faith
that unite the Cuban people and the people of the United States.
We honor the contributions that Cuban-Americans have made to
all aspects of our national life. And today, I am issuing a proposal and
a challenge that
can put Cuba on the path to liberty.
I appreciate our secretary of state being here. He and I take
this issue very seriously. He loves freedom as much as I love freedom.
I want to thank Mel
Martinez, a graduate of Pedro Pan, for being here; Mr. Secretary,
you're doing a great job. Welcome.
I appreciate members of the diplomatic corps who are here. Thank
you all for coming; I'm honored to have you here. I want to thank Senator
Allen from the Commonwealth of Virginia. I want to thank Congressman
Dan Burton; Mr. Chairman. And, of course, two great members of the United
States Congress, people who have got a lot to offer, a lot of
sound advice: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Lincoln Diaz-Balart. Thank you all
for coming.
Cuba's independence one century ago today was the inspiration
of great figures such as Felix Varela. It was the result of determination
and talent on the
part of great statesmen such as Jose Marti, and great soldiers
such as Antonio Maceo and Maximo Gomez. Most of all, Cuba's independence
was the
product of the great courage and sacrifice of the Cuban people.
Today, and every day for the past 43 years, that legacy of courage
has been insulted by a tyrant who uses brutal methods to enforce a bankrupt
That legacy has been debased by a relic from another era, who
has turned a beautiful island into a prison. In a career of oppression,
Mr. Castro has
imported nuclear-armed ballistic missiles, and he has exported
his military forces to encourage civil war abroad.
He is a dictator who jails and tortures and exiles his political
opponents. We know this. The Cuban people know this. And the world knows
this. After all,
just a month ago the United Nations Commission on Human Rights,
in a resolution proposed by the nations of Latin America, called upon Cuba's
government to finally -- to finally -- begin respecting the
human rights of its people.
Through all their pains and deprivation, the Cuban people's aspirations
for freedom are undiminished. We see this today in Havana, where more than
11,000 brave citizens have petitioned their government for a
referendum on basic freedoms. If that referendum is allowed, it can be
a prelude, a
beginning for real change in Cuba.
The United States has no designs on Cuban sovereignty. It's not
a part of our strategy, or a part of our vision. In fact, the United States
has been a
strong and consistent supporter of freedom for the Cuban people.
And it is important for those who love freedom on that beautiful island
to know that
our support for them will never waver.
Today, I'm announcing an initiative for a new Cuba that offers
Cuba's government a way forward towards democracy and hope, and better
relations with
the United States.
Cuba's scheduled to hold elections to its National Assembly in
2003. Let me read Article 71 of the Cuban Constitution. It says, ''The
National Assembly is
composed of deputies elected by free, direct and secret vote.''
That's what the constitution says. Yet, since 1959, no election in Cuba
has come close to
meeting these standards. In most elections, there has been one
candidate, Castro's candidate.
All elections in Castro's Cuba have been a fraud. The voices
of the Cuban people have been suppressed, and their votes have been meaningless.
the truth. Es la verdad. In the 2003 National Assembly elections
in Cuba, Cuba has the opportunity to offer Cuban voters the substance of
not its hollow, empty forms.
Opposition parties should have the freedom to organize, assemble,
and speak, with equal access to all airwaves. All political prisoners must
be released
and allowed to participate in the election process. Human rights
organizations should be free to visit Cuba to ensure that the conditions
for free elections
are being created. And the 2003 elections should be monitored
by objective outside observers. These are the minimum steps necessary to
make sure
that next year's elections are the true expression of the will
of the Cuban people.
I also challenge Cuba's government to ease its stranglehold,
to change its stranglehold on private economic activity. Political and
economic freedoms go
hand in hand, and if Cuba opens its political system, fundamental
questions about its backward economic system will come into sharper focus.
If the Cuban government truly wants to advance the cause of workers,
of Cuban workers, surely it will permit trade unions to exist outside of
control. If Cuba wants to create more good-paying jobs, private
employers have to be able to negotiate with and pay workers of their own
without the government telling who they can hire and who they
must fire.
If Cuba wants to attract badly needed investment from abroad,
property rights must be respected. If the government wants to improve the
daily lives of
its people, goods and services produced in Cuba should be made
available to all Cuban citizens. Workers employed by foreign companies
should be paid
directly by their employers, instead of having the government
seize their hard-currency wages and pass on a pittance in the form of pesos.
And the signs
in hotels reading ''Solamente Turistas'' should finally be taken
Without major steps by Cuba to open up its political system and
its economic system, trade with Cuba will not help the Cuban people. It's
important for
Americans to understand, without political reform, without economic
reform, trade with Cuba will merely enrich Fidel Castro and his cronies.
Well-intentioned ideas about trade will merely prop up this dictator,
enrich his cronies, and enhance the totalitarian regime. It will not help
the Cuban
people. With real political and economic reform, trade can benefit
the Cuban people and allow them to share in the progress of our times.
If Cuba's government takes all the necessary steps to ensure
that the 2003 elections are certifiably free and fair -- certifiably free
and fair -- and if Cuba
also begins to adopt meaningful market-based reforms, then --
and only then -- I will work with the United States Congress to ease the
ban on trade and
travel between our two countries.
Meaningful reform on Cuba's part will be answered with a meaningful
American response. The goal of the United States policy toward Cuba is
not a
permanent embargo on Cuba's economy. The goal is freedom for
Cuba's people.
Today's initiative invites the Cuban government to trust and
respect Cuban citizens. And I urge other democracies, in this hemisphere
and beyond, to use
their influence on Cuba's government to allow free and fair
National Assembly elections, and to push for real and meaningful and verifiable
Full normalization of relations with Cuba -- diplomatic recognition,
open trade and a robust aid program -- will only be possible when Cuba
has a new
government that is fully democratic, when the rule of law is
respected, and when the human rights of all Cubans are fully protected.
Yet, under the initiative for a new Cuba, the United States recognizes
that freedom sometimes grows step by step. And we'll encourage those steps.
current of history runs strongly towards freedom. Our plan is
to accelerate freedom's progress in Cuba in every way possible, just as
the United States
and our democratic friends and allies did successfully in places
like Poland, or in South Africa. Even as we seek to end tyranny, we will
work to make life
better for people living under and resisting Castro's rule.
Today I'm announcing a series of actions that will directly benefit
the Cuban people, and give them greater control of their economic and political
My administration will ease restrictions on humanitarian assistance
by legitimate U.S. religious and other nongovernmental organizations that
serve the needs of the Cuban people and will help build Cuban
civil society. And the United States will provide such groups with direct
assistance that can
be used for humanitarian and entrepreneurial activities.
Our government will offer scholarships in the United States for
Cuban students and professionals who try to build independent civil institutions
in Cuba,
and scholarships for family members of political prisoners.
We are willing to negotiate direct mail service between the United States
and Cuba.
My administration will also continue to look for ways to modernize
Radio and TV Marti, because even the strongest walls of oppression cannot
when the floodgates of information and knowledge are opened.
And in the months ahead, my administration will continue to work with leaders
all around
our country, leaders who love freedom for Cuba, to implement
new ways to empower individuals to enhance the chance for freedom.
The United States will continue to enforce economic sanctions
on Cuba, and the ban on travel to Cuba, until Cuba's government proves
that it is
committed to real reform. We will continue to prohibit U.S.
financing for Cuban purchases of U.S. agricultural goods, because this
would just be a foreign
aid program in disguise, which would benefit the current regime.
Today's initiative offers Cuba's government a different path,
leading to a different future -- a future of greater democracy and prosperity
and respect.
With real reform in Cuba, our countries can begin chipping away
at four decades of distrust and division. And the choice rests with Mr.
Today, there is only one nation in our hemisphere that is not
a democracy. Only one. There is only one national leader whose position
of power owes
more to bullets than ballots. Fidel Castro has a chance to escape
this lonely and stagnant isolation. If he accepts our offer, he can bring
help to his
people and hope to our relations.
If Mr. Castro refuses our offer, he will be protecting his cronies
at the expense of his people. And eventually, despite all his tools of
oppression, Fidel
Castro will need to answer to his people.
Jose Martí said, ''Barriers of ideas are stronger than
barricades of stone.'' For the benefit of Cuba's people, it is time for
Mr. Castro to cast aside old and
failed ideas and to start to think differently about the future.
Today could mark a new dawn in a long friendship between our people, but
only if the
Castro regime sees the light.
Cuba's independence was achieved a century ago. It was hijacked
nearly half a century ago. Yet the independent spirit of the Cuban people
has never
faltered. And it has never been stronger than it is today. The
United States is proud to stand with all Cubans, and all Cuban-Americans,
who love
freedom. And we will continue to stand with you until liberty
returns to the land you love so well.
Viva Cuba libre.