Clinton Bars Suit Against Cuba
President Clinton suspended for another six
months a law
that would let Americans sue people using U.S. property
after Fidel Castro took power in 1959.
The right for
American companies and citizens to sue in U.S. courts is in
a law Congress
approved in 1996, but the legislation gave the president
authority to
waive or enforce the provision at six-month intervals.
Clinton has exercised
the waiver authority since the law was approved,
much to the
annoyance of Cuban-American lawmakers and the chairman
of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee, Jesse Helms, R-N.C.,
co-author of
the legislation with Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind.
The Helms-Burton
act was designed to discourage foreign investment in
Cuba by punishing
foreign companies investing in property confiscated
from Americans.
The State Department
lists 5,911 U.S. firms and citizens whose property
was nationalized
without compensation by the Cuban government, mostly
in the 1960s.
``I believe this
action will enhance efforts by the United States to
strengthen international
cooperation aimed at promoting peaceful
democratic change
in Cuba,'' the president said in a statement released in
Little Rock,
Ark., where he addressed a joint session of the Arkansas
General Assembly.
What President-elect
Bush decides to do in July, the next six-month
interval, will
be an indicator of the new administration's view of Cuba.
Clinton said
the United States has worked to step up international
pressure on
the Cuban government to respect human rights and to begin
political and
economic reforms.
``Our friends
and allies have joined us by taking concrete actions to try to
hasten the day
when Cuba will join the community of democratic
nations,'' he