Click on the pictures

'Mayan Riviera' Off Limits to Mayas
Palenque Temple Could Shed Light on Ancient Maya City Clues Among the Ruins

Indígenas mayas celebran el Día Mundial de la Tierra
The Maya Finally Speak
Mayan Indians oppose university research into medicinal plants
Mayan Pupils Allowed to Wear Traditional Attire
Mexican researchers complain of loss of Indian relics
Mexico find sheds light on lost Mayan chapter
Monumental Throne Unearthed at Mayan Temple Complex
Sounds of the Maya

Ceremonial Mayan city rediscovered in jungle
Lost and Found (Cancuen, Guatemala)
In Guatemalan Jungle, A Mayan Wall Street?
In Maya Ruins, Scholars See Evidence of Urban Sprawl
Splendid Maya Palace Is Found Hidden in Jungle

Científicos de Yale descifran códigos mayas
Maya Carvings Tell of 2 Superpowers
A Mother Lode Of Jade Solves Maya Mystery
Spectacular Mayan Mural Discovered By Accident
Step by Step, Bloody Tale of Maya Conquest

No Cataclysm Brought Down Maya
Lore Among the Ruins

Descubren valiosos monumentos mayas
Clues to Mayans' 'fall of Rome'
Arqueólogo estadounidense descubre tumba de antigua reina maya
Archaeologists find evidence of remains in Mayan tomb
After six long years, artifacts to go home
Ancient skeleton found in submerged cave

Copán site yields human remains

6 villagers killed in clash with police at Mexican archaeological site

Mystery of Ancient Pueblo Jars Is Solved
The Maya suffered for their looks

Ruins of hidden Maya city, Chactun, discovered in Mexico
Ancient Maya pyramid yields new treasures
New Evidence Unearthed for the Origins of the Maya

Haunted Maya Underwater Cave Holds Human Bones National Geographic, Jan. 16, 2014
TWO ancient Mayan cities found in the Mexican jungle after three thousand years hidden from humanity (Lagunita and Tamchen, Yucatan)
The real-life Indiana Jones on the hunt for lost ancient Mayan cities in Mexico (The Guardian, Oct. 28, 2014)

The real-life Indiana Jones who finds lost cities in the jungle (CNN, April 21, 2015)
Mystery of a Mayan king: 1,600-year-old stone tablet reveals reign of early ruler in the ancient South American civilisation

Chronological Table of Mesoamerican Archaeology
A Photographic Tour of Selected Sites in Mexico, Belize & Guatemala
Jaguar Sun
Maya Art & Books
Mayan Epigraphic Database Project

Adams, R. E. W., Nucleation of Population and Water Storage Among the Ancient Maya, Science, Feburary 8, 1991
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Anderson, W. French Arithmetic in Maya Numerals American Antiquity, 1976, 36(1): 54-63
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Exploration by Colonel Lindbergh for Lost Maya Cities, Science, October 1929
Fash, William L. Changing Perspectives on Maya Civilization Annual Review of Anthropology, 1994
Folan, William J., et al. Calakmul: New Data from an Ancient Maya Capital in Campeche, Mexico, Latin American Antiquity, Dec. 1995
Fox, John W. and Garrett W. Cook, Constructing Maya Communities: Ethnography for Archaeology, Current Anthropology, Dec. 1996
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Gibbons, Ann. The Ultimate Sacrifice, Science, May 18, 2012
Gonzalez Gonzalez, Arturo H. et al. The Arrival of Humans on the Yucatan Peninsula: Evidence from Submerged Caves in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico (2008)
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_____. The Prehistory of Belize, Journal of Field Archaeology, Autumn 1982
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Healy, Paul F. et al. Analysis of Obsidian from Moho Clay, Belize: New Evidence on Classic Maya Trade Routes, Science, July 27, 1984
Haug, Gerald H. et al., Climate and the Collapse of Maya Civilization, Science, March 14 2003
Inomata, Takeshi et al. Early Ceremonial Constructions at Ceibal, Guatemala, and the Origins of the Lowland Maya Civilization, Science, 2013
Kennett, Douglas J. et al. Development and Disintegration of Maya Political Systems in Response to Climate Change, Science, 2012
Levi, Laura J. An Institutional Perspective on Prehispanic Maya Residential Variation: Settlement and Community at San Estevan, Belize, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology,  June 2002
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Looper, Matthew G. Documentation of Sculptures at Quirigua, Guatemala
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Matheny, Ray T. Maya Lowland Hydraulic Systems, Science, August 20, 1976
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Milbrath, Susan, Carlos Peraza Lope, Miguel Delgado Ku,Religious Imagery in Mayapan's Murals The PARI Journal, Winter 2010
Miller, Mary E. Rethinking Jaina: Goddessess, Skirts, and the Jolly Roger, Record of the Art Museum, Vol. 64, 2005
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The Creation Story of the Maya (2:55 min.)
Sala Maya - Museo Nacional de Antropología (3:45 min.)
NASA Connect: Ancient Observatories (7:39 min.)
Maya Archaeology in Caracol, Belize (16:16 min.)
Lacandon Indians and Palenque [1951] (20:36 mins.)
Palenque: The Maya 603 A.D. -800 A.D. (24:51 min.).
Passage to the Maya Underworld [History Channel, Josh Bernstein, 2005] (43:37 min.)
Secret Underwater Caves [History Channel] (43:51 min.)
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Mayan Empire [History Channel, 2009; Tikal; Cancuen] (43:51 min.)
The Ancient Maya: The Tools of Astronomy [History Channel, Michael Guillen, 2006] (44:10 min.)
The Maya: Engineering an Empire (History Channel, Peter Weller, 2006) [Tikal; Palenque; collapse; Sacbe; Chichen Itza; Codices] (44:29 min.)
Maya Underworld: The Real Doomsday [National Geographic, 2012] (44:58 min.)
Lost Cities of the Maya - Timewatch BBC, 2003 [Dos Pilas, La Joyanca, Naachtun] (45:44 min.)
The Riddle of the Maya [A&E, 1995] (45:44 min.)
Lords of the Maya (Timewatch) (46:31 min.)
Who Killed the Maya? [2006] (50:10 min.)
Cracking the Maya Code (PBS) [Diego de Landa, George Stuart, Michael D. Coe, William Fash, Linda Schele, Simon Martin, Palenque, Alfred Maudslay, Dresden Codex, J. Erik Thompson, Tatiana Proskuriakoff, Peter Mathews, Pacal, Stephen Houston, Barbara Macleod, Nicholas Hopkins] (52:48 min.)
Dawn of the Maya Documentary (National Geographic) [El Mirador; Pacal; Cibal; San Bartolo; Popol Vuh; Diego de Landa; Yuri Koronosov; plaster making] (53:08 min.)
Lost Kingdoms of the Maya [National Geographic] (58:06 min.)
The Red Queen - A Mayan Mystery (part one) (1 hr. 9 min.)
The Red Queen - A Mayan Mystery (part two) (24:15 min.)

Palenque and the Ancient Maya World [George and David Stuart, 2008] (40:26 min.)
The Popol Vuh [Michael D. Coe lecture, March 2, 2012, UC Merced] (49:36 min.)
Great Battles: A Tale of Two City States: Quirigua's Victory over Copan in 738 CE [Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle] (55:27 min.)
The Splendid Maya Murals of Bonampak, Mexico, with Prof. Mary Miller [Yale Presidential Inauguration Symposia, October 11, 2013] (58:15 min.)
The Maya and 2012: Fact, Fantasy, and Phenomenon [Simon Martin] (58:52 min.)
Maya Majesty: Kings & Queens of the Classic Maya [Simon Martin] (58:52 min.)
New Light on the Ancient Maya [Michael D. Coe, Oct. 15, 2008] (55:55 min.)
The Collapse of the Ancient Maya: Interpretations of the Past and Preserving the Future [Richard M. Leventhal] (1 hr.)
Temples that speak: Art and Architecture at Copan, Honduras [Ricardo Agurcia Fasquelle] (1 hr.)
From the Myth of Kings to the Math of Kings: Art, Science, and the Ancient Maya [William Saturno] (1 hr. 2 min.)
The End of Time The Maya Mystery of 2012 [Anthony F. Aveni]  (1 hr. 7 min.)
Maya Archaeology and Its Relevance to the Modern World  [Jeremy Sabloff] (1 hr. 24 min.)
Jaime Awe - Maya Cities & Sacred Caves of Belize (1 hr. 27 min.)
Deciphering the Maya Script: What We Know and Wahr We Don't Know [Michael D. Coe lecture, Oct. 10, 2000, UC Berkeley] (2 hrs.)

Code of the Maya Kings (1) (National Geographic) [John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood; Copan; Palenque; Chichen Itza; Tatiana Proskuriakoff; Piedras Negras; Sylvanus Morley; Bonampak; Erik Thompson; David Stuart] (14:50 min.)
Code of the Maya Kings (2) (14:50 min.)
Code of the Maya Kings (3) (14:50 min.)
Code of the Maya Kings (4) (8:16 min.)

Breaking the Maya Code (8 clips)
Introduction (2:33 min.)
The Maya Script (2:19 min.)
The Maya Books (3:09 min.)
The Maya Calendar (2:18 min.)
Yuri Knorosov (4:07 min.)
The Collaborators (4 min.)
David Stuart (3:50 min.)
The Maya Take Back Their Writing System (2:16 min.)

El mundo perdido de los Mayas (48:58 min.)
Arqueologia Maya (50:23 min.)

Documental Los Mayas (51:21 min.)
Knórosov: El Desciframiento de la Escritura Maya 2000 (57:08 min.)