Orlando Bosch Avila
(Aug. 18, 1926-April 27, 2011)

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Dr. Lourdes Bosch
Tony Poo and Osvaldo Bencomo

With Antonio de la Cova while hospitalized, 2011




Rev, Martin Aņorga presided Protestant religious services.
Carlina de la Cova, Guillermo Novo and Myriam, stand behind the Bosch family

Dr. Alberto Hernandez gave the eulogy. Dionisio Suarez, background, blue shirt


Daughter Karen and widow Adriana receive the Cuban flag from the casket
Daughter Myriam touches the casket as it is lowered to the ground

The rose-covered casket is lowered to the ground
Myriam, Lourdes and William Bosch. Gabriela and Danny Blinder behind them