Moche maps

El Niño weather phenomenon


El Brujo

Huacas del Sol y la Luna



Ear Flairs

Erotic Pottery Vessels

Jars with the theme of death

House Vessels

Anthropomorphic Vessels

Figurine Vessels

Portrait Vessels

Prisoner Vessels

Vessels with the theme of death

Vessels depicting daily scenes

Vessels depicting ritual scenes

Caballitos de Totora

Gold artifacts


Tumi Knives

    The burial
     Ritual artifacts


Lady of Cao (Wikipedia)
La Señora De Cao
La tumba de la Señora de Cao, líder del pueblo mochica
Visiting El Brujo and the Dama de Cao
El enigma de los tatuajes de la Señora de Cao (El Pais, Marzo 4, 2008)
La Señora de Cao: Una "dama de hierro" en el Perú prehispánico

Foot Amputation by the Moche of Ancient Peru

Royal Textiles

Arkush, Elizabeth and Charles Stanish. Interpreting Conflict in the Ancient Andes: Implications for the Archaeology of Warfare, Anthropology (2005)
Bawden, Garth. The Structural Paradox: Moche Culture as Political Ideology, Latin American Antiquity (1995)
Burger, Richard L. An Overview of Peruvian Archaeology (1976-1986), Annual Review of Anthropology (1989)
Donnan, Christopher B. and Donna McClelland. The Burial Theme in Moche Iconography (1979)
Dunn, Mary Eubanks. Ceramic Depictions of Maize: A Basis for Classification of Prehistoric Races, American Antiquity (1979)
Eeckhout, Peter  and Lawrence Stewart Owens. Human Sacrifice at Pachacamac, Latin American Antiquity (2008)
Hastings,  C. Mansfield and M. Edward Moseley. The Adobes of Huaca del Sol and Huaca de La Luna, American Antiquity (1975)
Kling Heidi. Gold in Ancient America, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (2002)
Knobloch, Patricia J. Wari Ritual Power at Conchopata: An Interpretation of Anadenanthera Colubrina Iconography, Latin American Antiquity (2000)
Moseley, M. Edward. Assessing the Archaeological Significance of Mahamaes, American Antiquity (1969)
Pozorski, Thomas. The Moche by Garth Bawden, American Anthropologist (1999)
Schorsch, Deborah. Silver-and-Gold Moche Artifacts from Loma Negra, Peru, Metropolitan Museum Journal (1998)
Stanish, Charles. The Origin of State Societies in South America, Annual Review of Anthropology (2001)
Sutter, Richard C. and Rosa J. Cortez. The Nature of Moche Human Sacrifice: A Bio-Archaeological Perspective, Current Anthropology (2005)
Topic, John R. and Theresa Lange Topic. Prehistoric Fortification Systems of Northern Peru, Current Anthropology (1978)
Verano, John W., Santiago Uceda, Claude Chapdelaine, Ricardo Tello, María IsabelParedes and Victor Pimentel. Modified Human Skulls from the Urban Sector of the Pyramids of Moche, Northern Peru, Latin American Antiquity (1999)
Weismantel, Mary. Moche Sex Pots: Reproduction and Temporality in Ancient South America, American Anthropologist (2004)

Artifacts shrouded in mystery,Miami Herald, Oct. 8, 1998
Iconography of the Moche: Unraveling the Mystery of the Warrior-Priest, National Geographic, Oct. 1998
Dos Cabezas: P yramid in Peru Yields Unprecedented Buried Treasure, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 15, 2001
Stealing History, Mother Jones, May/June 2002
Once taboo, erotic ceramics a link to ancient Peru, Miami Herald, Feb. 29, 2004

Otra sorpresa entrega Sipán
Las tumbas reales de Sipan
Planean Sipán como un centro turístico

Videos (ENGLISH)
Ancient Murder Mystery: The Mutiliated Skeletons Of Peru John Verano, Bill Sillar, Laurel Hamilton (23 min.)
Tombs of Sipan (41:24 min.)
The Pyramid of Doom [Huaca de la Luna] (45:12 min.)
The Lost Civilization of Peru (BBC, 48:17 min.)
On the Trail of Moche Gold (56:20 min.)
Warfare and Human Sacrifice in the Moche World [John Verano lecture on the Huaca de la Luna excavations, 2013] (67:00 min.)

Videos (SPANISH)
Descubren centro ceremonial Moche en Chiclayo (2:19 min.)
La momia peruana sera expuesta al publico (2:46 min.)

La Ruta Moche: Los valles del Desierto Nor Peruano (7:50 min.)
Mas Alla del Sol y de la Luna (8:59 min.)
Museo Señora de Cao: Gran Museo en el norte del Peru [Cuarto Poder] (9:59 min.)
Reportaje Tumbas del Señor de Sipan, Lambayeque [Jano-Peru] (10:28 min.)

Museos Puertas Abiertas-Huacas de Moche, Parte 1 (13:34 min.)
Museos Puertas Abiertas-Huacas de Moche, Parte 2 (10:53 min.)
Museos Puertas Abiertas: Ancash, Parte 1 [Chavin, Moche, Recuay] (12:22 min.)
Civilización Mochica - Señor de Sipan, Origenes, Sociedad y Cultura (14:00 min.)
El Imperio del Sol - Los Mochicas (Jimenez del Oso) (24:23 min.)
Peru, La Tierra de los Dioses (45:02 min.)
Pueblos andinos preincas (48:55 min.)
Cultura Moche: Civilizacion Perdida del Peru (BBC, History Channel, Spanish, 48:59 min.)
El Señor de Sipan (51:54 min.)
La Dama de Cao (53:41 min.)
Documental del Señor de Sipán  (54:57 min.)
Moche-Nazca: Sucedio en el Peru, Bloques 1-5

The Deity of Sky: One Way to Interpret Moche Iconography
Moche and Chimu Cultures