The Virginian-Pilot
April 23, 2004

Cuban refugee found drifting in waters off North Carolina

A man believed to be a Cuban refugee was rescued from a raft about 50 miles off the North Carolina coast Thursday, authorities said.

The identity of the man and his age were not immediately released.

The man was discovered by the crew of a Navy helicopter on a routine training mission from the carrier Enterprise, which was sailing in waters east of Cape Lookout.

The man was taken aboard the carrier and was being given medical care for exposure and dehydration. He also was being given nourishment.

He apparently had been without food or water for at least several days, possibly more than a week.

It was unclear if the man intended to steer up the East Coast or if unexpected winds or currents had taken him off course.

Most refugees from Cuba attempt to make it to Florida. But most also know that the Coast Guard patrols the area constantly. Refugees who fail to set foot on U.S. soil are returned to Cuba.