Haiti Revolt
February 2004

Police chase rock throwing demonstrators
in Port-au-Prince on Feb. 15.
Police chase rock throwing demonstrators
in Port-au-Prince on Feb. 15.

      Members of the armed resistance of Gonaives,
      control access to the city at the south edge of town,
      where a roadblock is still in place on Feb. 14. The
      government has requested that they allow food
      and emergency personnel to pass through.
     A Haitian police officer questions a suspect after
     rocks were thrown at the police. Violent demons-
     trations have spread to 10 Haitian cities and towns.
     Reports by Haitian media and human-rights groups
     have put deaths as high as 50 by Feb. 15.

     Barricades are set up throughout the littered
     streets of Gonaives, which is controlled by the
     Anti-Aristide Resistant Front . The writing reads:
    “Down with Aristide Assassin.”