Haiti Revolt
February 2004

          A student conceals his identity
          as he runs with rocks in his hand
          after hearing gunfire during
          student protests in Port-Au-
          Prince on Feb. 21. 
      Residents walk pass burning tires
      at a barricade set by supporters of 
      President Aristide, in northern
      Port-au-Prince, on Feb. 26, 2004. 

      In the town of Port de Paix, rebels patrol the streets after
      capturing the city. The streets are tense in Port-au-Prince
      as an attack seems eminent.
      A burning tire serves as a street barricade in Port-au-Prince,
      the Haitian capital, on Feb. 25. Graffiti hail embattled
      President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his Lavalas party.

             Women walked past a barricade yesterday set up in Port-au-
             Prince by supporters of Haiti's president, Jean-Bertrand
             Aristide, seen on the poster.
      Unidentified gunmen intercept a car of looters in the streets
      downtown Port-au-Prince, on Friday, Feb. 27.