Haiti Revolt
February 2004

   Thousands of people took to the streets of Cap
   Haitien to celebrate as rebel forces took control
   of the city Feb. 22.
     Rebel soldiers prepare to leave the scene after
     setting the police station on fire in Cap Haitien.

     Rebel leaders Louis Jodel Chamblain, center,
     and Guy Butteur Metayer, in blue, meet with
     supporters in Gonaives on February 14.
     Rebel commander Guy Philippe speaks with a 
     rebel soldier at Mont Joli Hotel in Cap Haitien.

     Haitian rebel leader Guy Philippe
     talks with the media at Mont Joli
     Hotel in Cap-Haitien.
     Rebel leader Louis Jodel Chamblain waves
     outside a Cap Haitien airport while standing
     on calendars with pictures of President
     Aristide on Monday, Feb. 23.