Fidel Castro Ruz 
(Aug. 13, 1926-Nov. 25, 2016)






Giving cooking lessons
on TV

Demencia senil de Fidel Castro

Album familiar secreto de Castro

Fidel Castro falls  (Video)
Castro Falls, but Says He's 'in One Piece'
'I am still in one piece'
Castro's public fall has Cubans buzzing
Castro's fall raises new questions about Cuba's future
Castro awake for surgery

High School Years
Castro Visit to the U.S. April 1959
Castro and Khrushchev
The Mystery of Fidel Castro's Health: The Arab Connection

DEATH (Nov. 25, 2016)

There is no RIP for Fidel Castro in Miami. Just good riddance (Miami Herald, Nov. 26, 2016)
Havana party in Miami! Hundreds of Cuban-Americans take to the streets in Florida to celebrate the death of Fidel Castro, in stark contrast to deserted scenes back home (Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016)
What next for Cuba? Fidel Castro's death is expected to lead to improved relations with US, as calls are mounted for embargo which 'punishes' the country to be lifted 'definitively' (Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016)
'A brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades': Donald Trump hammers Fidel Castro's legacy of firing squads, poverty and 'unimaginable suffering' (Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016)
'Let history judge him': Obama holds out the 'hand of friendship' to Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro - the thorn in America's side for more than half a century (Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016) 
Gloria Estefan celebrates Fidel Castro's death with emotional message to fellow Cubans that 'hope is renewed' as she shares photo of migrants on a raft fleeing the dictator (Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016)
That time Castro appeared in Call of Duty, angering Cuba
Don't mourn this monster: Despot Fidel Castro slaughtered his critics and brought the world to the brink of Armageddon, writes PETER HITCHENS
(Daily Mail, Nov. 26, 2016)
'Viva Fidel!' Tens of thousands gather at Castro's memorial service in Havana and they are joined by leaders of Latin America, Africa, and the Vice President of China
(Daily Mail, Nov. 29, 2016)
Thousands of Cubans line the streets as Fidel Castro's ashes begin final four-day journey
(Daily Mail, Nov. 29, 2016)
Revolutionaries reunited: Fidel Castro's ashes spend the night in Che Guevara's mausoleum on their way to his final burial place
(Daily Mail, Dec. 1, 2016)
Fidel comes home: Tens of thousands of emotional Cubans welcome Castro's ashes to Santiago where he told the world 'history will absolve me' and sparked revolution 63 years ago
(Daily Mail, Dec. 3, 2016)

Marzo 12, 1962 (Abastecimiento)
Marzo 13, 1962
Marzo 16, 1962
Marzo 21, 1962
Marzo 26, 1962
Abril 4, 1962
Abril 17, 1962
Abril 19, 1962
Abril 24, 1962
Mayo 1, 1962
Mayo 13, 1962
Mayo 17, 1962
Junio 27, 1962
Junio 29, 1962
Julio 5, 1962
Julio 16, 1962
Julio 17, 1962
Julio 24, 1962
Julio 26, 1962
Agosto 9, 1962
Agosto 10, 1962
Agosto 18, 1962
Septiembre 10, 1962
Septiembre 25, 1962
Septiembre 28, 1962
Octubre 1, 1962
Octubre 16, 1962
Octubre 17, 1962
Octubre 23, 1962
Octubre 28, 1962
Noviembre 1, 1962
Enero 2, 1963
Enero 15, 1963
Febrero 22, 1963
Febrero 24, 1963
Marzo 13, 1963
Marzo 30, 1963
Abril 10, 1963
Abril 17, 1963
Abril 19, 1963
Abril 26, 1963
Abril 28, 1963
Mayo 23, 1963
Junio 4, 1963
Junio 18, 1963
Junio 27, 1963
Junio 30, 1963
Julio 10, 1963 (Entrevista)
Julio 26, 1963
Agosto 9, 1963
Agosto 10, 1963
Agosto 22, 1963
Septiembre 28, 1963
Octubre 2, 1963
Octubre 3, 1963
Octubre 21, 1963
Octubre 31, 1963
Noviembre 27, 1963
Diciembre 6, 1963


Enero 2, 1964
Enero 24, 1964
Marzo 6, 1964
Marzo 13, 1964
Abril 19, 1964
Mayo 1, 1964
Julio 26, 1964
Agosto 9, 1964
Septiembre 4, 1964
Septiembre 10, 1964
Septiembre 19, 1964
Septiembre 28, 1964
Octubre 10, 1964
Octubre 21, 1964
Octubre 24, 1964
Octubre 31, 1964
Noviembre 13, 1964
Noviembre 20, 1964
Diciembre 2, 1964
Diciembre 8, 1964
Diciembre 22, 1964


Enero 2, 1965
Enero 21, 1965
Febrero 15, 1965
Marzo 3, 1965
Marzo 13, 1965
Abril 19, 1965
May 1, 1965
Mayo 14, 1965
Mayo 18, 1965
Mayo 28, 1965
Junio 7, 1965
Junio 16, 1965
Junio 18, 1965
Junio 26, 1965
Julio 24, 1965
Julio 26, 1965
Septiembre 28, 1965
Octubre 21, 1965
Noviembre 7, 1965
Noviembre 14, 1965
Noviembre 24, 1965
Diciembre 2, 1965
Diciembre 3, 1965


Enero 2, 1966
Enero 15, 1966 (Tricontinental)
Marzo 20, 1966
Abril 19, 1966
Mayo 1, 1966
Junio 29, 1966
Julio 26, 1966
Agosto 27, 1966
Septiembre 28, 1966
Diciembre 3, 1966
Diciembre 9, 1966
Diciembre 18, 1966



Joe Ferrero and Enrique Santos
WXDJ-FM (95.7) El Zol, Miami Radio

(Use Microsoft Internet Explorer for Audio)
Audio of Prank Telephone Call to Fidel Castro (June 18, 2003)
Audio of Prank Telephone Call to Hugo Chavez (January 6, 2003)
Translated transcript of the conversation between Fidel Castro and two Miami DJs

No Caller ID? Chávez falls for Castro prank 'call'
HELLO, FIDEL? Prank gets foul-mouthed response
Phony phone call dupes Castro, sparks a tirade
Castro responde con insultos a una broma
$4,000 fine for station that cranked Castro
FCC: DJs needed Castro to OK airing crank call

Alfredo Pong

Castro Speech Database

Batista Charges Castro is a Red (N. Y. Times, March 11, 1957)

Cuba’s Angry Young Man (N.Y. Times (Editorial), Jan. 7, 1958)
Castro Disavows Presidential Aim (N.Y. Times, Jan. 16, 1958)
Andrew St. George interview with Fidel Castro  (Look, Feb. 4, 1958)
Fidel Castro letter to Celia Sanchez, June 5, 1958

Fidel Castro: Year One

When Castro Became a Communist: The Impact on U.S.-Cuba Policy by Salvador Díaz-Versón

Alina Castro apoya juicio a su padre
Castro Wins Libyan Rights Award
Castro sufrió parálisis central y encefalopatía
Castro turns 72 after 39 years at Cuba's helm
Could Castro be brought to trial?
Cuban exiles to appeal rejection of Pinochet-like suit against Castro
Cuba's Fidel Castro has no retirement plan
Defector: Castro had brain disease
Fiscal español rechaza recurso contra Castro
Immunity law protects Castro
Lanzan plan para enjuiciar a Castro
Marchas a favor y en contra de Castro en Oporto
Peticiones de arresto a Castro tras detención de Pinochet
Piden en Europa que se enjuicie a Castro

A '50s affair: Fidel and Naty
A Photographer's Eye on Fidel
Castro, Chavez confer before leaving Caribbean summit
Castro Talks Show Him Still a Rebel And Prophet
Castro's bodyguard defects in Dominican Republic, sources say
In City of Castro's Triumph, Most Still Back Him
Creen viable la demanda a Castro
Fidel Castro's bodyguard flown to United States
Prosecutor's office throws out complaints against Castro
Spain: Castro can't be tried

Castro's Family
Castro jokes about interest in his tennis shoes
Castro marks his 74th birthday
Film offers glimpse of Castro's life
Hija de Castro pide democracia Cuba
Was Christ a 'communist'? Castro thinks so

Castro 'a master performer,' expert says
Castro Appears to Faint at Podium
Castro Attends Rally in Cuba
Castro calls 'just ideas' best weapons
Castro daughter is working in Miami
Castro falters during speech
Castro: Palestinians suffer 'genocide'
Castro ratifies brother as his successor
Castro succession a dilema for the U.S.
Castro won't attend Ibero-American summit
Castro's Fainting Spell Shatters Taboos
Cuban exiles act against Castro
Fidel's Swoon and Other News From Havana
Hija de Castro pierde la esperanza en la transición
La espía que quiso matar a Castro cuenta su historia
Leader's health is well-kept secret
Miami getting a cluster of Castros
Reciben a Castro con salmón en Brasil
The revolution will live beyond me, Castro says
Scotland Yard investigó a Castro por asesinato

Castro Jr looks beyond revolution
Castro Solves Mystery of His Absence From View: Bug Bit Him
Castro-watch gives clues on Cuba
Castro's rebellious daughter leads vitriolic radio attack from Miami
Cineasta cubano tenía otra versión de la cinta sobre Castro
Cuban leader's son visits Zayed University
Cuba's Castro keeps on ticking
Fidel daughter backs US embargo
Four decades of watching the back of Cuba's 'El Jefe'
Hijo de Castro dice que Cuba está lista para la globalización
Macmillan called Castro 'the devil'
On the Air in Miami: Castro's Rebellious Daughter
On the air: Voice of an exiled daughter
Se descorre el velo insondable de la intimidad de Castro
TV Viewers Catch Glimpse of Castro
Un video revela detalles de la vida privada de Fidel Castro

Castro responde con insultos a una broma
Cuba's Castro apparent victim of prank
DJs catch 'Castro' in hoax

Castro Appeared Sick, Mayor of Bogota Says
Castro's worth $195m
Entrevista con Alina Fernandez
Castro's daughter cries for Cuba's plight
Castro is called 'no longer invincible'
Castro calls for calm after breaking knee, arm in fall

Is it just old-age stiffness, or is Fidel Castro ailing?
Una vez más subestiman la capacidad de resistencia y de lucha de nuestro pueblo
Castro's sister wins suit
Castro has Parkinson's disease, CIA has concluded
Indignant Castro claims to feel `better than ever'
60 years since Fidel entered university


Cartoons of Castro's surgery
A former aide spills the dirt on Fidel Castro
Castro's net worth is up, says Forbes
Pictures show thinner Castro
Castro Is Reported to Have Cancer
Cubans doubt Castro will return to power
El Misterio de la Salud de Castro
Castro: I'm too sick to party

Castro had 3 failed surgeries, Spanish paper says
Una cadena de actuaciones médicas fallidas agravó el estado de Castro
Experts: Prognosis is grim for Castro
Castro - from ally to enemy
Castro's sister shuts Miami pharmacy
Castro says on radio he feels stronger
Castro turns to power of the pen
Childhood home offers glimpse of Castro

Mensaje del Comandante en Jefe
Message from the Commander in Chief
Fidel Castro Stepping Down as Cuba's President
Fidel Castro Resigns as Cuba’s President
Fidel Castro Resigns Cuban Presidency After Half-Century in Power
Miami Quiet Following Castro Resignation
Castro Circle Likely to Hold Power After His Resignation
No Cigar
Cubans in Miami jubilant but uncertain

Ex nuera de Fidel Castro culpable de fraude

Raúl Castro marks first year as Cuba's leader
Presidente hondureño muestra fotos con Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro's son tricked in Internet love sting

How the Enciclopedia of American Immigration by Salem Press Favorably Manipulates Fidel Castro's Image
Fidel Castro: Cuba's economic model is broken
Comments were misinterpreted, Fidel Castro says
Cuba's Fidel Castro Backpedals, Says He Was “Misinterpreted”

Cuban socialite who had a daughter with Fidel Castro and financially supported him before his Marxist revolution dies aged 89
Fidel Castro meets Cuban Five: Former President invites spies freed from U.S. prison to his home and describes them as 'anti-terrorist heroes'

Fidel Castro lashes out at Obama on his 90th birthday as he is treated to a televised gala in Cuba