Havana Play in Doubt
Violence Causes Shaughnessy to Reconsider Opener There
PALM BEACH, Fla., April 9 (AP)--The International Baseball League's president said that today's outburst of violence in Havana, had prompted reconsideration of opening the Havana Sugar Kings' season on home grounds.
Frank J. Shaughnessy said, "if there's real trouble we're not going to open--but I want to be sure."
Shaughnessy said he planned to confer by telephone tomorrow with Roberto Maduro, the owner of the Sugar Kings, about prospects for the scheduled opener with the Buffalo Bisons next Wednesday.
Maduro, Shaughnessy and other league officials and club owners agreed unanimously at a Miami meeting Sunday that the game would be played "unless conditions materially change."
Asked what he would consider a material change, Shaughnessy said "shooting people down there."