New York Times
February 23, 1958. p. 17.
Cuban Rebel Leader Making No Proposal on Election, Visitor to Him Says
Special to The New York
HAVANA, Feb. 22—Fidel Castro, rebel leader, is “firm in his attitude as an insurrectionist,” according to Manuel de Jesus Leon Ramirez, a member of the House of Representatives.
Señor Leon interviewed Señor Castro on Jan. 28 at rebel headquarters in the Sierra Maestra of Oriente Province. Señor Leon denied that he had brought any document signed be Señor Castro back with him.
Also, he denied that Señor Castro had made a proposal—as rumored here—that the elections be held under the supervision of the United Nations or the Organization of American States.
Señor Leon added that, “if the Government would do its part and Castro his part,” he believed peace might be restored. He commented that the publicity concerning his visit to Señor Castro had damaged hope of a settlement of the struggle, which had been the object of his visit to Señor Castro.
Tonight, in a statement from President Fulgencio Batista’s Palace, Interior Minister Santiago C. Rey Pernas charged that enemies of the Government were trying to provoke it into suspending constitutional guarantees again and suspending the June 1 elections. He asserted that the elections would nevertheless be conducted fairly and impartially.
HAVANA, Feb. 22 (AP)—President Batista now expects to shuffle his Cabinet about March 1 to release key figures for the election campaign, Palace sources said today. Minister of State Gonzalo Guell will become Premier to permit Andres Rivero Aguero to run as General Batista’s Presidential candidate. Emilio Nunez Portuondo, Cuba’s United Nations delegate, will take Señor Guell’s post.
Supporters in New York of Fidel Castro will meet at 1 P.M. today to endorse his designation of former Judge Manuel Urrutia Lleo for Provisional President of Cuba in case the Batista Government is overthrown. The meeting will be at the Palm Garden, Fifty-second Street and Eighth Avenue.