Road Convoys in Cuba
Troops Escorting Vehicles--Curfew Set for Buses
Special to The New York Times.
HAVANA, Oct. 19--Soldiers are convoying trucks and automobiles in Oriente and Camaguey Provinces, according to a traveler who arrived here today.
Buses are banned from the highways after 5 P.M. Hundreds of buses have been burned by the rebels, according to reports from the two eastern provinces.
Train service in Oriente has been interrupted for weeks. As quickly as lines are repaired, the rebels again destroy them. The railway bridge on teh main line near Pinar del Rio, capital of Pinar del Rio Province, was dynamited last week.
The army bombed the district of Camboa near Caibarien in Las Villas Province last Friday, but no details are available.
David Salvador, reported to be a revolutionary leader, was arrested here yesterday, according to relatives.