Cuban Bill Offers Amnesty to Rebels
Special to The New York Times.
HAVANA, Jan. 28--A bill to grant amnesty to all political enemies of Government whether in prison, in open rebellion or living abroad in exile was presented to the Senate late yesterday.
The bill was introduced by Senator Arturo Hernandez Tellaheche of the Opposition Autentico party headed by former President Ramon Grua San Martin.
Government troops dispersed students who placed wreaths on the statue of Jose Marti, Cuba's greatest patriot, in Liberty Park, Santiago de Cuba this morning. Constitutional guarantees are suspended in Santiago de Cuba.
Fidel Castro has served notice that his rebels will lay down their arms only when President Batista's regime has fallen.
Senor Castro's written replies to a questionnaire submitted by the Paris newspaper Le Figao, which became available here, reasserted that he purpose of the rebels fighting in eastern Cuba was to install a civilian provisional government.
Senor Castro made it clear that his rebel group would not accept any conditions from the Opposition elements led by Carlos Prio Socarras former Cuban President in Miami, Fla.