New York Times
January 19, 1958. p. 3.
Special to The New York
HAVANA, Jan. 18—Four youthful revolutionists who have been held incommunicado at Santiago in Oriente Province since their arrest several days ago, were tonight presented to the press in that city.
The men were arrested as they presumably returned from a visit to Fidel Castro, rebel leader who with his insurgents is operating in the Sierra Maestra. The four are Javiar Paton, son of Felipe Paton, former president of the National Bank of Cuba, who is in the United States; Dr. Armando Hart, a lawyer who escaped from prison in Havana several months ago; Dr. Antonio Buch, son of a prominent physician in Santiago, and Armando Vallejos, said to have been the guide of the other three into the mountains to see Señor Castro.
Col. Rio Chaviano, chief of the Military District of Oriente, said he had invited correspondents and news photographers to see for themselves that the four youths had not been tortured, as had been reported.
The newsmen were not permitted to question the four about their capture. But the youths said they were in good health. Reportedly they will be brought to Havana for trial.
Earlier today, it was indicated here that the present suspension of constitutional guarantees for a forty-five days was likely to be continued by a new decree on the expiration date Jan. 29.