Castro's Sister In U.S.
Smuggles Herself Into Miami and Asks Asylum
MIAMI, Jan. 10 (AP)--Juanita Castro, 24-year-old
sister of Fidel Castro, Cuban rebel chieftain, smuggled herself into the
United States from Mexico a week ago and has asked for political asylum,
her attorney said today.
Ralph H. Aquilera, the attorney, said the State
Department had canceled her United States visa while she was in Mexico
and "because of threats to her life" she had returned, though illegally.
"She secreted herself in the trunk of a taxicab
for the crossing," Mr. Aquilera said, and "went to San Antonio where she
took a plane to return to Miami. She surrendered to the Immigration
Service today."
Immigration officials said a deportation hearing
would be held Jan. 22 but otherwise declined comment "until an investigation
is completed.