The Miami Herald
August 17, 1998

             Colombia rebels, army clash

             BOGOTA --(EFE)-- At least 43 soldiers were wounded and several were
             reportedly killed in intense combat between leftist guerrillas and army troops in the
             northwestern jungles.

             Reports broadcast by local radio stations Sunday said ``many soldiers and rebels
             died'' in the fighting, and that two military helicopters had been hit by rebel fire.

             The combat was the fiercest since President Andres Pastrana was sworn in on
             Aug. 7.

             Some 600 Revolutionary Armed Forces rebels and three army battalions were
             involved in the combat, which began Friday in the Tamborales region along the
             border between the provinces of Antioquia and Choco.

             The commander of the armed forces, Gen. Fernando Tapias, is expected to head
             to Tamborales on Sunday to personally assess the combat, according to official