Editorial Note
On the evening of December 17, Ambassador Smith held a long conversation with Foreign Minister Guell and President Batista.
The approach was apparently made under instructions
from the Department of State. On the evening of December 12, the day he
returned to Havana, Smith talked by telephone with Deputy Assistant Secretary
Snow. No record of that conversation has been found, but in telegram 604 from
Havana, December 13, Smith alluded to the conversation and noted that since
his talk with Snow he had received no telegraphic instructions from the
Department. Smith said that because it would appear odd for him to wait any
longer before contacting Guell, he planned to do so that afternoon to set up an
appointment, presumably with Guell and Batista, for December 14 or 15. Smith
also noted: "The danger, which we must always bear in mind, is that any
action taken on our part to weaken Batista‑without setting up a strong
replacement backed by US‑would automatically strengthen Castro in the
reverse ratio and thereby benefit the Communists." (Department of State,
Central Files, 737.00/12‑1358)
In his memoirs, Smith recalls that he received
instructions from Rubottom in the early morning hours of December 14. According
to Smith, he was told to disabuse Batista of the notion that the U.S.
Government would support Rivero Agüero. Smith indicates that he immediately met
with Guell and requested an appointment with Batista. He told Guell: "It
is my unpleasant duty to inform the President of the Republic that the United
States will no longer support the present Government of Cuba and that my
government believes that the President is losing effective control."
In his conversation with Batista and Guell on
December 17, Smith elaborated on the U.S. position. In particular, Smith noted:
"The State Department's estimate of the
situation was that a crisis was impending which most likely would create
prolonged civil disorders with much loss of life. If he would act promptly, the
State Department still believed that there were Cuban elements which could
salvage the rapidly deteriorating situation. It would be necessary to obtain
their support and co‑operation for a broadly based government, which
would be capable of carrying out constructive measures for a national solution."
Smith urged that Batista not remain in Cuba
"beyond the time necessary for an orderly transition of power" and
suggested that Batista and his family take up residence in Spain. In their
discussion of the possible formation of a junta, Smith stressed that he had not
been permitted to discuss specific solutions or personalities. Batista asked
whether the U.S. Government was willing to stop the fighting. According to
Smith, "When I replied that the American government could not intercede or
mediate, he told me I was now mediating on behalf of the Castros." (Smith,
The Fourth Floor, pages 169‑174) For Batista's recollection of the
December 17 conversation with Smith, see Fulgencio Batista, Cuba Betrayed (New
York: Vantage Press, 1962), pages 96, 138‑139. No record has been found
in Department of State files of Rubottom's instructions to Smith, Smith's
subsequent approach to Guell, or the December 17 meeting.