Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, May 2, 1955[1]
U‑Mr. Hoover
ARA‑Mr. Holland
E‑Mr. Waugh
IRD‑Mr. Callanan
The purpose of the meeting was to bring Mr. Hoover
up to date on sugar legislation. Mr. Waugh and Mr. Holland told Mr. Hoover of
recent conversations with Dr. Hauge, who met recently with Senator Williams[2]
and Mr. Shields.[3] Mr. Holland told Mr. Hoover that Dr. Hauge's belief now was
that nothing should be done to hurt Cuba this year. On the other hand Dr. Hauge
believed that some means had to be found to relieve the pressure in our
domestic areas this year.
In reply to a series of questions, Mr. Hoover was
informed that the domestic industry's legislative proposal would be retroactive
to January 1, 1955 whereas State's compromise figure of 8.4 would in effect
amend the Act as of January 1, 1956. It was pointed out to Mr. Hoover that the
Cubans have to make their marketing plans in December, and at that time they
set their production goal. The mills begin grinding in January and all but a
few have finished by May. A change in our legislation now would upset all their
calculations as to how much sugar they could market in the United States this
year and result in a corresponding increase in their surplus stocks. Mr. Hoover
agreed that retroactive legislation would be a very bad thing and would
severely damage our relations with Cuba.
It was agreed that State's position now is no change
in the Act effective before January 1, 1956, which in quantitative terms means
sharing increases in consumption over 8.4 million tons. It was also agreed that
we would immediately explore the possibilities of declaring sugar surplus for
the purposes of Public Law 665[4] and Public Law 480[5] in order to relieve
some of the domestic pressures.
[1] Source: Department of State, Central Files,
811.235/5‑255. Official Use Only. Drafted by Callanan.
[2] John J. Williams (R.‑Del.).
[3] Robert H. Shields, president and general counsel
of the U.S. Beet Sugar Association.
[4] Reference is to the Mutual Defense Assistance
Act of 1954, enacted August 26, 1954; for text, see 68 Stat. 832.
[5] Reference is to the Agricultural Trade
Development and Assistance Act of 1954 enacted July 10, 1954; for text, see 68
Stat. 454.