June 26, 1999

Brazilian senators say Shining Path guerillas have infiltrated

                  BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) -- Members of the terrorist group Shining Path
                  have infiltrated a militant group that works towards gaining land for poor
                  workers, Senator Bernardo Cabral said Friday.

                  Cabral said in fax sent to the Associated Press that he expected to receive
                  reports shortly from army and police intelligence showing the Shining Path
                  and Colombian guerillas had contacts with the League of Peasant Workers
                  in the far western states of Acre and Rondonia.

                  Cabral represents Amazonas state, which borders Peru.

                  The league, which was one of the leading leftist organizations in Brazil during
                  the 1960s has been reactivated, according to Cabral. He said the league is
                  more radical than the Landless Rural Workers Movement, known here by
                  the Portuguese initial MST, the nation's largest opposition movement.

                  On Tuesday, Senator Moreira Mendes of Rondonia state presented the
                  Senate with a copy of LOC pamphlet entitled "The Actual Crisis of
                  Capitalism and the World Revolution," which advocates armed revolution
                  and cites Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Tse-tung.

                  Both senators said they feared an invasion of Brazilian territory by guerilla
                  groups from Peru and Colombia.

                  "We are worried. We defend agrarian reform, but within Constitutional
                  limits. What this movement wants is not agrarian reform, but revolution,"
                  Cabral said in a recent speech on the Senate floor.