South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Fri, May. 07, 2004

Commission report on Cuba

Key elements of the report of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba:

>Provide up to $29 million in new funding over two years for democracy building and assistance to dissidents, including a scholarship fund for the children of dissidents to study at universities in Latin America.

>Allocate up to $18 million for airborne broadcasts of Miami-based Radio and TV Marti to break through Cuban jamming.

>$5 million for a public diplomacy effort to expose the Cuban government's record on human rights and other issues around the world.

>Limit family visits to Cuba of once every three years.

>Limit remittances to immediate family members and to people who are not members of the Cuban Communist Party.

>Allow educational travel only for students from undergraduate or graduate degree-granting institutions and mostly for full-semester programs.

>Establish a Cuban Asset Targeting Group to go after Cuban government front companies that help Havana rake in hard currency.

>During a future transition, introduce exchange programs to inform Cuban leaders and administrators about democratic policy and decision-making.

>Appoint a "transition coordinator" at the State Department to encourage democracy and aid dissidents on the island.

To view the entire commission report, go to:

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