Havana pursues biological warfare
Nicholas Kralev
The Bush administration said yesterday that
it has "broad and deep" evidence that Cuba is developing offensive biological
warfare capabilities and sharing them
with "other rogue states."
In a speech titled "Beyond the Axis of Evil,"
John Bolton, undersecretary of state for international security and arms
control, named Cuba, Libya and Syria as
"states intent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction" against which
the United States would take action to prevent such arms from reaching
President Bush included Iran, Iraq and North
Korea in an "axis of evil" in his State of the Union address to Congress
in January.
"The United States believes that Cuba has
at least a limited offensive biological warfare research and development
effort," Mr. Bolton said at the Heritage
Foundation. "Cuba has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue
states. We are concerned that such technology could support [bioweapons]
programs in
those states."
In a later interview, a senior administration
official said Washington has gathered "broad and deep" evidence of Cuba's
pursuit of such weapons but is
"constrained" in what it can disclose publicly.
The official said the decision to go public
with the charges reflects the effect the new assistant secretary of state
for Western Hemisphere affairs, Otto Reich, has
had on the administration's Latin America policy. Mr. Reich was born
in Cuba and came to the United States with his parents after the 1959 communist
Mr. Bolton said Cuba, which has been designated
by the State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism, "has long provided
safe haven for terrorists" and "is
known to be harboring terrorists from Colombia, Spain and fugitives
from the United States."
He said Cuban President Fidel Castro visited
Iran, Syria and Libya last year and cited a speech at Tehran University
in which he said, "Iran and Cuba, in
cooperation with each other, can bring America to its knees."
Mr. Bolton said that for four decades, Cuba
"has maintained a well-developed and sophisticated biomedical industry,"
supported by the Soviet Union until 1990.
"This industry is one of the most advanced
in Latin America and leads in the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines
that are sold worldwide. Analysts and
Cuban defectors have long cast suspicion on the activities conducted
in these biomedical facilities," he said.
"We call on Cuba to cease all [bioweapon]-applicable
cooperation with rogue states and to fully comply with all of its obligations
under the Biological Weapons
While the administration supports the Biological
Weapons Convention, as well as other international arms-control agreements
such as the Chemical Weapons
Convention and the Non-Proliferation Treaty, "experience has shown
that treaties and agreements are an insufficient check against state sponsors
of terrorism," Mr.
Bolton said.
Cuba and Libya have ratified and Syria has
signed the Biological Weapons Convention, but Mr. Bolton said Washington
will not assume that "a country's formal
subscription to U.N. counterterrorism conventions or its membership
in multilateral regimes necessarily constitutes an accurate reading of
its intentions."
Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms
Control Association, agreed that treaties are not enough to ensure compliance,
but he said the administration "has
not introduced a fundamentally new approach and is emphasizing the
name-calling strategy."
Mr. Bolton also accused the Clinton administration
of "underplaying" the threat that Cuba poses to U.S. security and sharply
criticized a 1998 government report
that said Cuba "has a limited capacity to engage in some military and
intelligence activities which could pose a danger to U.S. citizens under
some circumstances."
He said a "major reason" for the "unbalanced"
report was "Cuba's aggressive intelligence operations against the United
States, which included recruiting the
Defense Intelligence Agency's senior Cuba analyst, Ana Belen Montes,
to spy" for Havana.
"Montes not only had a hand in drafting the
report but also passed some of our most sensitive information about Cuba
back to Havana," Mr. Bolton said.
"Montes was arrested last fall and pleaded guilty to espionage on March