Albert Speer at Harvard
By Ross G. Douthat
History and literature concentrator
Quincy House
In 1937, as part of program of academic exchange with German
universities, Harvard named Albert Speer as a visiting professor of
architecture and urban planning. There was some controversy about this
appointment: not only was Speer a member of the Nazi party, he was the
Third Reich's leading public architect and a close friend of the Fuehrer.
Indeed, shortly after arriving at Harvard, Speer defended the Nazi regime
in an interview with the Boston papers, saying that "Adolf Hitler is the
that holds Germany together."
His Harvard colleagues didn't understand why anyone was upset. "I have
no problem bringing Albert Speer here," said one academic, an expert on
Germany. "It's no different than hiring a good physicist who thinks Adolf
Hitler is the best invention since sliced bread." A professor of European
history, meanwhile, said, "personally, I think it's admirable that Speer
served for that government."
If this story sounds a trifle unbelievable-well, good. It is unbelievable;
indeed, it never happened. Albert Speer never taught at Harvard, even in
1937, when the Nazi regime he represented was merely totalitarian, and
not yet engaged in attempted genocide.
But Mario Coyula-Cowley does now.
Who is Coyula-Cowley, you ask? Why, he is the new Robert F. Kennedy
professor at the Graduate School of Design, where he will teach
architecture and urban planning. He is also a member of Cuba's
Communist Party. Indeed, he is a high-ranking government official, the
head of the island nation's urban planning commission. And he is no
johnny-come-lately to Fidel Castro's government-Coyula-Cowley helped
organize the 1959 rebellion that swept the bearded dictator into power,
and has held numerous government appointments over the decades
since. Among other things, he is a senior member of Cuba's National
Union of Artists and Writers; an organization, needless to say, to which
anyone who disagrees with the government cannot apply.
Apparently, no one at Harvard has any problem with this. Substitute
Coyula-Cowley for Speer (and Castro for Hitler), and the quotes above
represent the view of Jorge I. Dominguez, Clarence Dillon professor of
international affairs, and Bliss Professor of Latin American History and
Economics John Womack, respectively, on the advisability of appointing
an apparatchik from a totalitarian state to the Harvard faculty. To them,
you can add the names of Steve Reifenberg, director of the Rockefeller
Center for Latin American Studies, who is "enormously pleased to have
him here," and Professor of History James T. Kloppenberg, who told The
Crimson that "the quality of a person's scholarly work, not his or her
politics, should determine whether he or she teaches at Harvard."
None of this should be terribly surprising. There has always been a
tendency among America's intellectuals to downplay the crimes of
left-wing regimes, and Castro's Cuba, in particular, has long been the
darling of the American left. With its record of standing up to "Yanqui
imperialism," its much-touted system of universal health care, and its
post-Cold War isolation, Cuba's nasty and oppressive regime seems sad
and bullied and even a little bit cute-the "Tickle-Me-Elmo" of totalitarian
states. And let's not forget the enduring appeal of its cigar-chomping
despot, the "glue that holds Cuba together," as Coyula-Cowley says, and
the only dictator clever enough to get people to call him by his first
Why, everybody loves "Fidel"-especially the movie stars, left-of-left
congressmen, and American academics who are always flying down to
hobnob with him.
As for the people who don't love him? Well, many of them are dead, or in
exile. The rest are in jail-although jail might be too kind a word for
what is,
to all intents and purposes, a system of warm-weather gulags. Unlike
Coyula-Cowley, they don't have the opportunity to cruise through
American supermarkets and then complain to the Boston Globe that "there
are too many choices" here. They aren't pulling down a $50,000 salary,
and can't say smugly, as Harvard's new professor did in the Globe, that
"money isn't everything."
They do have names, though, Castro's prisoners do. Here are just a few
of them: Vladimiro Roca, Julia Cecilia Delgado, Angel Moya Acosta,
Nestor Rodríguez Lobaina, Rene Montes de Oca, Dr. Oscar Biscet,
Orlando Gonzalez Bridon. They are victims of a regime that in 2001 was
rated by Freedom House as one of the most repressive in the world
-worse than Libya and Syria, worse even than China. They have been
arrested for "disrespect," for "dangerousness," for "conduct that is in
manifest contradiction with the norms of socialist morality." And none
them will be teaching at Harvard next semester.
That there is a double standard at work here should be obvious. No
government official from a right-wing regime would ever be offered a
Harvard position. No professor here would ever say it was "admirable"
that a visiting academic had served under Augusto Pinochet in Chile, or
Francisco Franco in Spain. No one would blather on about "the quality of
a person's scholarly work, not his or her politics," if the politics in
were fascist.
Ultimately, though, the double standard is a problem for another day-and
the specifics of Coyula-Cowley's politics matter less than the fact that
is a willing, life-long functionary of a totalitarian state, and is therefore
complicit in its crimes. If he is not directly responsible for them-well,
1937, an architect named Albert Speer was not directly responsible for
Nazi atrocities; indeed, he would always claim ignorance of them. But no
one offered him a position at Harvard.
The fact is, all comparisons aside, Castro's regime is manifestly evil,
its values and policies, which our new professor has spent his life
defending, are in direct conflict with the ideals of truth and freedom
this university claims to stand for. Coyula-Cowley has blood on his hands,
and such a man has no business teaching here-or anywhere else in the
civilized world, for that matter.
But we are, apparently, "enormously pleased to have him." Isn't that swell?