CNN called Castro's 'megaphone'
Jennifer Harper
Is there a different sort of media bias afoot?
The Media Research Center (MRC) is pointing a finger at CNN, claiming the
news network does not offer fair,
balanced coverage of Cuba.
After analyzing every Cuba-based story that
has appeared on CNN since it established a Havana bureau five years ago,
the MRC is calling the network a
"propaganda tool for Fidel Castro's government" and a "megaphone for
a dictator."
The MRC studied 212 news reports to find that
CNN gave "six times more airplay" to Castro or communist spokesmen than
to non-communist spokesmen, such
as Catholic leaders or dissidents. The study also said CNN gave six
times as much airplay to Cubans who supported Castro policies than to those
who did not.
"This left American audiences with the impression
that Castro's government is overwhelmingly popular among the Cuban public,"
the study said, adding that only
seven CNN stories reported on political dissidents, two covered the
lack of press freedom and four centered on lack of democracy in Cuba.
CNN had produced more than a dozen stories,
the study said, on claims of abuse of prisoners held at the U.S. prison
in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in the first three
months of this year.
"CNN is a 24-hour news network seen with 42
different services around the world. [MRC President Brent] Bozell chose
only to look at the U.S. feed, and only
at our prime-time programming," CNN spokesman Matt Furman countered
on Friday.
"This ignores the fact that in the past six
months our reporter Lucia Newman in Cuba has filed more than 20 pieces
that have been tough on Castro and his
government. In fact, just this past Sunday she interviewed Cuba's leading
dissident, who had just been released from prison," Mr. Furman said.
Mr. Bozell doesn't buy it, however.
"CNN launched this bureau with fanfare and
bold claims about how coverage would be unfettered," he said. "The story
out of Cuba is why do people keep
risking their lives to flee that country? Our findings show CNN has
all but completely ignored that story.
"If CNN believes it is too dangerous for its
Havana-based reporters to be as adversarial with the Castro regime as they
are with democratically elected world
leaders, it should close the bureau," Mr. Bozell continued.
The study also faulted CNN for portraying
Fidel Castro as a "celebrity rather than a tyrant" and showing Cuba as
a charming, normal country rather than one
"held in the grip of a dictatorship's secret security apparatus."
Yesterday, CNN provided extensive coverage
of the welcoming ceremony for former President Jimmy Carter in Havana.
As a band played "The Star-Spangled
Banner," Mr. Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, stood beside Mr. Castro.
The MRC recommended that CNN increase its
investigative journalism in Cuba, report on the welfare of political prisoners
and update the status of Cuba's
independent journalists.
Meanwhile, the Florida-based, pro-democracy
group Cuba Libertad is also annoyed.
In a May 9 letter to CNN Chairman Jamie Kellner,
the group accused the network of becoming "just another tool of Castro's
propaganda machine," and
recommended closing the Havana bureau unless improvements were made.
"CNN has failed to live up to its stated commitment
to provide comprehensive, fair and balanced reporting in Cuba," wrote Leopoldo
Fernandez Pujals, the
group's president. "It may be that your organization cares more about
Castro's office decor or cigar-smoking tourists than about the ongoing
struggle for freedom in
Cuba. Whatever your reasons, CNN is regularly out-reported by journalists
and news organizations with far fewer resources at their disposal."
•Contact Jennifer Harper at
or 202/636-3085.
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