Granma International
May 11, 2002


                   Hardly three days ago, someone only too well known to us,
                   Assistant Secretary of State Otto Reich was caught out in an
                   embarrassing lie when he said that four Cuban planes had landed in
                   the Venezuelan capital on April 12, and that nobody knew "what they
                   were doing there, what they were carrying, we don’t know".
                   Apparently, it was the beginning of an anti-Cuba campaign or a
                   vendetta due to the amazing failure of the fascist coup he set in
                   motion, or both.

                   On Tuesday May 7, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs challenged him publicly,
                   the State Department said that it had no confirmation whatsoever, and that it did
                   not want to discuss the subject any more.

                   The idea of destroying Cuba, an obsession that has lasted more than
                   43 years, has lead and still leads U.S. policy down a tortuous path
                   filled with lies, mistakes, failures and crimes. What the US
                   government is telling the world today and what it is doing with Cuba
                   is perhaps the most grievous and demoralizing contradiction in its
                   foreign policy. This great power had never found itself in such a
                   compromising position and it has no alternative but to lie, lie and lie.
                   And there is no lack of unscrupulous characters in major public
                   positions willing to do so, no lack of press spokesmen caught up in
                   the continuous and bitter need to right wrongs and explain the
                   inexplicable in their bosses’ statements.

                   Even men like Colin Powell, son of Jamaican immigrants, that despite
                   his military training or maybe because of it, is not considered a hawk
                   since he knows about war and has seen many men die --a man that
                   many Americans even came to look on as a potential presidential
                   candidate-- has found himself enmeshed in shameful and little
                   ennobling intrigues promoted by such characters. He knows better
                   than anyone else how inexperienced they are and what little
                   intellectual and political worth those people have.

                   Whom this new character involved in a sinister maneuver against
                   Cuba can deceive? Mr. John Bolton, an Under Secretary of State,
                   none other than the one for Arms Control. What are they aiming for
                   with the attack launched by this official in an aggressive speech
                   against Cuba given at the Heritage Foundation, famous for its
                   ultra-rightwing stance?

                   His statement, supposedly an analysis of the dangers of terrorism
                   threatening the United States, begin by saying: "In addition to Libya
                   and Syria, there is a threat coming from another BWC signatory, and
                   one that lies just 90 miles from the U.S. mainland—namely, Cuba."

                   Then, after the usual name-calling and stupid remarks full of the
                   hatred common in such arrogant and misinformed people, Mr. Bolton
                   added something all his own:

                   "We know that Cuba is collaborating with other state sponsors of

                   "Castro has repeatedly denounced the U.S. war on terrorism. He
                   continues to view terror as a legitimate tactic to further revolutionary
                   objectives. Last year, Castro visited Iran, Syria and Libya --all
                   designees on the same list of terrorist-sponsoring states. At Teheran
                   University, these were his words: ‘Iran and Cuba, in cooperation with
                   each other, can bring America to its knees. The U.S. regime is very
                   weak, and we are witnessing this weakness from close-up.’"

                   "But Cuba’s threat to our security has often been underplayed. An
                   official U.S. government report in 1998 concluded that Cuba did not
                   represent a significant military threat to the United States or the
                   region. It went only so far as to say that, ‘Cuba has a limited
                   capacity to engage in some military and intelligence activities which
                   could pose a danger to U.S. citizens in some circumstances.’"

                   Mr. Bolton immediately looked for something to cover up the
                   suspicious fact that it had never before occurred to any US
                   government official to make such an infamous accusation against
                   Cuba. Mr. Bolton blames this weakness on William Cohen, who was
                   the U.S. Defense Secretary four years earlier when the criticized
                   report was issued. Mr. Bolton made not the slightest mention of the
                   fact that scarcely five months and two weeks earlier, on November
                   19, 2001, he himself made absolutely no mention of Cuba in a
                   speech given to the conference of the parties to the Convention on
                   Biological Weapons in Geneva when he cited many countries that
                   were a source of concern to him as potential biological weapons
                   producers. Why this sudden and unexpected change?

                   Mr. Bolton’s May 6 piece of tabloid journalism ends by saying: "For
                   four decades Cuba has maintained a well-developed and
                   sophisticated biomedical industry, supported until 1990 by the Soviet
                   Union. This industry is one of the most advanced in Latin America,
                   and leads in the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are
                   sold worldwide. Analysts and Cuban defectors have long cast
                   suspicion on the activities conducted in these biomedical facilities.

                   "Here is what we now know: The United States believes that Cuba
                   has at least a limited offensive biological warfare
                   research-and-development effort. Cuba has provided dual-use
                   biotechnology to other rogue states. We are concerned that such
                   technology could support BW programs in those states. We call on
                   Cuba to cease all BW-applicable cooperation with rogue states and to
                   fully comply with all of its obligations under the Biological Weapons

                   The international press immediately picked up Mr. Bolton’s string of
                   Olympic-size lies, which is exactly what he wanted.


                   "Washington, May 6 (ANSA). Under Secretary of State John Bolton
                   today accused Cuba of helping ‘enemy governments’ with biological weapons

                   "Cuba had at least an offensive biological weapons program and
                   could be transferring its results to other states hostile to the United
                   States’, Bolton said.

                   "The Under Secretary Bolton spoke to the Heritage Foundation, one
                   of the ultraconservative groups in Washington."


                   "Washington, May 6 (DPA) The United States today accused Cuba of
                   developing offensive biological weapons and of providing information about
                   them to states hostile to the United States, and urged President Fidel Castro’s
                   government to cease this cooperation."


                   "Washington, May 6 (REUTERS). On Monday, the United States
                   accused three countries —Cuba, Libya and Syria— of trying to develop
                   weapons of mass destruction and warned that it would take steps to prevent
                   them from supplying these arms to terrorist groups."

                   "’States that sponsor terror and pursue weapons of mass
                   destruction must stop. States that renounce terror and abandon
                   WMD can become part of our effort. But those who do not can
                   expect to become our targets.’"


                   "Washington, May 6 (EFE) The United States today added Cuba to Syria
                   and Libya on the list of countries who are part of the ‘axis of evil’ dedicated to
                   manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, and warned that it would take
                   steps to prevent them from supplying such weapons to terrorist organizations."


                   "Washington, May 6 (NOTIMEX). The United States today included
                   Cuba in the so-called ‘axis of evil’ because it thinks it has the capacity to
                   develop biological weapons which are a threat to United States security, a
                   greater threat than that from Iraq, Iran and North Korea."


                   "Washington, May 6 (AFP) On Monday, the United States warned Cuba
                   against any proliferation of biological weapons, urging the Havana government
                   to cease providing any kind of biotechnological equipment to countries that
                   Washington considers dangerous, such as Iraq and Libya."

                   The list and the extension of articles and reports on the subject
                   would be endless.

                   The job is already done! The entire world, especially the American
                   public that is constantly bombarded with perfidious lies, has been
                   informed and is ready to believe that Cuba is a biological power, that
                   it has a program for producing such weapons and that it poses a
                   danger to the United States. And as John Bolton, the very
                   distinguished Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and
                   International Security has said it, we have to believe it.

                   However, as the old saying goes: "Lies have short legs". In the
                   United States itself some people are astounded and they are
                   beginning to figure out the whole game.


                   "Washington, May 6 (NOTIMEX). The United States today refused to
                   produce the evidence it had claimed to have to back up the accusations made
                   against Cuba.

                   "Both, the White House and State Department spokesmen said that
                   the accusation against Cuba is not based on assumptions but on
                   confidential information about the biological and chemical potential of
                   the Cuban pharmaceutical industry.

                   "This accusation took not only the international community by
                   surprise but also members of the United States Congress.

                   According to the same dispatch, "political analysts pointed out that
                   the accusation against Cuba made by President George W. Bush’s
                   administration could be part of a White House strategy to find a
                   justification for tightening its isolationist policy on Cuba.

                   "The statement that Cuba could pose a terrorist threat to the
                   security of the United States was made at a time when several
                   proposals to relax Washington’s Cuba policy are being analyzed on
                   Capital Hill.

                   "Nevertheless, political analysts maintain that in view of this and
                   bearing in mind that his brother Jeb will be seeking reelection as
                   governor of Florida this year, President Bush wants to ingratiate
                   himself with the Cuban exile community.

                   "Given the fact that more than four decades of economic blockade
                   against Cuba have not removed Fidel Castro from power in Havana,
                   the only people who want this isolationist policy to remain in effect
                   and harder are the vast majority of the Cuban exile community in the
                   United States.

                   "The possibility of including Cuba as a member of the so-called ‘axis
                   of evil’ with Iraq, Iran and North Korea at the head would make it
                   easier for Bush to obtain the Congress backing for increasing instead
                   of reducing the economic stranglehold on the Island."


                   "Washington, May 6 (AP). "’I think that it will delay us taking new steps
                   towards a trade opening’, said Graham, chairman of the Senate Select
                   Committee on Intelligence. ‘Unilateral steps will be most affected’."

                   "Graham, however, did not hide his amazement at Bolton’s
                   accusation. He said that in March the Committee he chairs held a
                   secret hearing on security related issues and the administration made
                   no mention of biological weapons."

                   On May 7, when a journalist asked White House spokesman Ari
                   Fleischer: "Is there any proof of this, or is this an assumption of the
                   United States?" Fleischer replied: "No, it's not an assumption. I
                   assure you that Secretary Bolton would not have said it if he did not
                   have good cause, reason and fact to say it. That was based on
                   sound analysis, and on information that is studied and available to
                   the United States government."

                   This is a typical reply by someone who is launching an absolutely
                   baseless and groundless accusation. The only thing studied carefully
                   is lies and deceit. It is certainly a very sad role this spokesman has.
                   Furthermore, why should we believe Mr. Bolton?

                   Anyone who remembers the fifteen incredible pretexts, known today
                   through declassified official documents, that were elaborated at the
                   end of 1961 by the high US authorities to undertake a direct military
                   attack against Cuba in 1962, would not be surprised by such a
                   sinister lie. We demand proof. Let them produce even the tiniest
                   piece of evidence! They do not have any, and they cannot have
                   them because they simply do not exist. They should not be hiding
                   behind the alleged sensitivity of their sources, when there is actually
                   not an atom of truth in what they are saying. This very old trick and
                   overly stupid argument only serve to demonstrate their little
                   consideration for, and low concept of, the American people whose
                   intelligence deserve more respect.

                   I will also say this: If a Cuban scientist from any of our biotechnology
                   institutes had been cooperating with any country in the development
                   of biological weapons, or if he or she had tried to create them on his
                   or her own initiative, he or she would be immediately presented in a
                   court of justice as we would consider it an act of treason to the

                   The Law against Terrorist Acts passed by the National Assembly of
                   Cuba, in its Article 10, provides: "The person who manufactures,
                   facilitates, sells, transports, sends, introduces in the country or keeps
                   in his or her possession, under any form or in any place {…}
                   chemical or biological agents, or any other substance from whose
                   investigation, design or combination thereof any product can be
                   derived that meets the description offered", is liable to sanctions of
                   10 to 30 years of imprisonment, life sentence or capital punishment.

                   This is really an absolute lie, a treacherous blow against the sale of
                   food to Cuba authorized in a Law from the year 2000, which was
                   subsequently modified on many occasions through amendments
                   introduced by the staunch advocates of the blockade that made it
                   practicably impossible to apply it after it had been passed. They are
                   simply trying to mislead and dishearten the growing number of
                   Americans who are increasingly upset by the most cruel and inhuman
                   measure against the Cuban people, which clash with the idealism,
                   and ethics of a nation that has, in fact, been deceived for dozens of
                   years with regards to Cuba.

                   The only truth in Bolton’s lie is that Cuba is 90 miles from the
                   continental territory of the United States.

                   It is a false and manipulated assertion that our country has
                   repeatedly denounced the United States war against terrorism. I
                   have said, and I stand by it, that the solution to this scourge will not
                   be reached through war, which would only serve to breed hatred and
                   fanaticism but rather through a sincere and determined cooperation
                   among all countries in the world and by building a truly universal
                   culture and conscience against terrorism.

We were the first to put forward this form of cooperation the very
                   same day of the tragedy in New York.

                   It is a slanderous invention, a fabricated lie, to say that Castro
                   considers terror as a legitimate tactic for furthering revolutionary
                   objectives. Actually, everybody knows that our revolutionary
                   movement never used such methods that do not fit in with our
                   doctrine, our principles and our concept of the armed struggle.

                   Mr. Bolton, you’d better get your facts right. Don’t be misled by the
                   fantastic stories told by your dear friends from the CANF. Never were
                   the civilian population and innocent people the victims of our actions.
                   Our tactic always was to fight against heavily equipped enemy units.
                   Presently, you want to call terrorism any armed resistance,
                   regardless of the legitimate causes that may justify it. Along that line
                   you could end up applying such definition to the struggle of the
                   American colonists who rebelled and fought against English
                   domination. George Washington and those who after long years of
                   war and enormous sacrifices conquered the independence of the
                   United States of America were not terrorists.

                   Someone has failed you badly, Mr. Bolton, when they told you about
                   my speech at the university of Teheran. It was not one speech, but
                   two, in two universities and a few remarks at the end of my visit to
                   the mausoleum that keep the remains of the Imam Khomeini. I have
                   gone over them both in detail. In my remarks to the students in
                   Teheran, there is not one single paragraph that resembles the one
                   you dishonestly included in your speech at the Heritage Foundation
                   on May 6. I never said that "Iran and Cuba in cooperation with each
                   other could bring the United States to its knees". I did say, in one of
                   the three speeches I made during that visit, that imperialism was
                   bereft of ideas that ideas are more powerful than weapons and that
                   one day imperialism would crumble. I also said that "the Iranian
                   people with heroism and not with weapons defeated the Shah, and
                   this showed the power of ideas. Also, there could never be anyone in
                   the world so powerful that could not be defeated by ideas."

                   Finally, I added: "That is our hope. There is a superpower with
                   thousands of nuclear arms, planes, armored ships, aircraft carriers,
                   intelligent missiles [...] No matter how many weapons nor how much
                   wealth it has, it will not be able to defeat human beings."

                   I made not the slightest mention of the use of weapons in that
                   struggle. In fact, I said just the opposite. That is what I think, that is
                   how I saw it then and that is what I said. I am not in the habit of
                   hiding my thoughts or manipulating my words. My three speeches in
                   the Iranian capital were broadcast on Cuban radio and television.
                   Thus, Mr. Bolton did not discover anything and I do not renounce my
                   ideas. I said some other things about doctrines and political principles.
                   I have all the tapes and the transcription of those speeches. I can
                   prove what I have said.

                   It should also be said that when I visited Iran, I had the honor of
                   getting to know a great country with a culture that goes back
                   thousands of years, a country with deep religious beliefs and a great
                   spiritual strength; a country wanting to eradicate poverty, fighting
                   against drug trafficking and other such plagues, determined to bring
                   education, health, employment and well being to more than 60
                   million people. Not one of the many leaders I talked to said anything
                   to me about biological weapons or any other kind of weapon.

                   What a great difference I could perceive between that culture and
                   customs with that of the West. But, I did not only visit that country, I
                   also visited Algeria, Malaysia, Qatar, Syria and Libya where they
                   showed me how Ghadafi’s family home had been destroyed and
                   spoke about the loss of human life caused by the F-16 brutal air raid,
                   including a little girl.

                   Thousands of years of history accumulate in that part of the world,
                   which must not be destroyed nor their people annihilated. Billions of
                   people in the world have seen with deep indignation the televised
                   images of the terrible events in Palestine.

                   Apparently, when Mr. Bolton alluded to my speech in Teheran, he
                   irresponsibly and dishonestly mixed excerpts of what I had said with
                   fragments and statements of what other people said to foreign press
                   agencies, and information from wire service cables given by
                   someone else or things the speech writer invented. My clear, precise,
                   transparent statements can be found in the speeches I have
                   mentioned and in the press communiqué of May 10, 2001 issued by
                   both delegations where, by the way, the Cuban position against
                   terrorism is described in point 6 of the agreed document that literally

                   "While condemning the phenomenon of terrorism in all its forms,
                   especially state terrorism, the two parties agreed to cooperate
                   closely at a bilateral and international level to fight against and
                   eliminate this terrible phenomenon, to cooperate in the fight against
                   international organized crime and drug trafficking, being always
                   mindful of the cardinal principles of international law, and particularly
                   those of sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of

                   This statement was issued 127 days before September 11.

                   I should thank Mr. Bolton for his praise of our pharmaceutical
                   industry, one of the most advanced in Latin America, which "leads in
                   the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are sold
                   worldwide", according to his own words. We only wish it was more
                   advanced. Even his country could benefit from some of its
                   discoveries, but they would not allow it. However, he lies
                   shamelessly when he tells the American and world public opinion that
                   the United States believes that Cuba has at least a limited offensive
                   biological warfare research and development effort. This statement is
                   as false as it is grave.

                   Our researchers and doctors are educated with an elevated concept
                   of solidarity and ethics. Millions of people in the world can testify to
                   that. They work for the well being and health of human beings. For
                   40 years, 34,307 Cuban medical doctors and health workers have
                   worked free of charge in a large number of poor countries saving the
                   lives and safeguarding the health of millions of people. Nobody in the
                   world could beat them in their dedication and their willingness to
                   make sacrifices.

                   At this very moment, 2,671 of them are working in isolated and
                   inhospitable places in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. It
                   would be very difficult to persuade these men and women to
                   produce viruses and bacteria to kill children, women, old people or
                   the people of any country. The pride and high moral standards of our
                   people, which have led them to stand firm against 43 years of
                   attacks and blockade, rests on the rationality of a policy that does
                   not contradict their ethics and principles.

                   Thirty nine thousand and eight hundred youths coming from more
                   than 120 Third World countries have graduated in Cuba from 33
                   technical and university specialties. Even under the conditions
                   prevailing in the special period, which resulted from the cruel blockade
                   by the United States, 8,053 youths from Latin America, the
                   Caribbean and Africa are studying medicine in our country free of
                   charge, a career that costs more than $200 thousand in the United

                   In spite of Bolton’s lies and those of many others like him, Cuba
                   enjoys great prestige because of the health services it has provided
                   to humanity. That is, for its true fight against another kind of
                   terrorism that many chose to ignore: the diseases that kill more than
                   11 million children every year, whose lives could be saved were it not
                   for the selfish attitude of the industrialized world. An incalculable
                   number of people survive or recover their health thanks to the
                   selfless work of the doctors who come from a poor small country
                   and treat them with vaccines and preventive methods or therapies
                   developed by Cuba.

                   We would like to know if the U.S. government is doing something
                   similar or if it would be prepared to cooperate with such programs
                   for the benefit of those that it euphemistically describes as emerging
                   countries, as we have not excluded any economically developed
                   nation from our programs.

                   We have even offered hundreds of scholarships to American
                   youngsters who don’t have the money to study medicine in their
                   country, to come study in the Latin American School of Medical

                   We have even offered hundreds of scholarships to study in the Latin
                   American School of Medical Sciences to U.S. youngsters who don’t
                   have the money to study medicine in their country.

                   Cuban children are vaccinated against 13 diseases and enjoy
                   wonderful health. The infant mortality rate for every thousand live
                   births is lower than that of the United States itself. Medical care is
                   guaranteed to one hundred percent of the population absolutely free
                   of charge. Unfortunately in the United States, with a population of
                   over 280 million, 16 percent of the people do not have medical
                   insurance, and that includes more than 10 million children. In such an
                   immensely rich and scientifically advanced country where hundreds of
                   thousands of people die every year for these reasons, who is to
                   blame? Who kills these people? Who denounce such facts? How can
                   they invent, what gives them the moral right to claim from over
                   there, and who is going to believe their heinous slander that we
                   Cubans are developing biological warfare programs?

                   On the other hand, never in the 43 years of the Revolution’s history
                   has anyone in our country launched or taken part in a terrorist act
                   against the United States from our territory. Not one drop of US
                   blood has been shed nor has any US company lost a single screw
                   due to terrorist acts originated in Cuba.

                   Those who in the United States are accusing our country of
                   terrorism, or of supporting or sponsoring terrorism, cannot say that
                   about Cuba. Thousands of our compatriots have died and tens of
                   thousands of acts of sabotage have been recorded as part of
                   terrorist actions and US aggression against Cuba. Can their
                   spokesmen deny these facts? I am not referring to the American
                   people; I am referring to their government. The overriding question
                   of the powers given to U.S. government officials to effectuate out of
                   court executions and to kill people anywhere in the world has not
                   even been clarified. I have personally often been the target of these
                   sinister plans. That was how they operated in the past. Have they or
                   haven’t they gone back to such disgusting methods? Why doesn’t
                   Mr. Bolton tell us a little bit about that subject?

                   As for weapons of mass destruction, Cuba’s policy has been
                   irreproachable. No one has ever produced a single piece of evidence
                   that any program for developing nuclear, chemical or biological
                   weapons has been set up in our country. Those who have no sense
                   of ethics, or who fail to understand that the government of Cuba
                   abides by truth and transparency, might at least understand that it
                   would have been utterly stupid to behave in any other way. Any such
                   program would lead the economy of any small country to
                   bankruptcy. Cuba would never have been able to transport such
                   weapons. Moreover, it would be a mistake to use them in battle
                   against an enemy that has a thousand times more of those weapons
                   and that would be only to happy to find an excuse to use them.

                   From a political point of view, we are living in an era when there are
                   and there will be weapons much more powerful that any produced
                   through technology, namely: the weapons of morality, reason and
                   ideas; with them no country is weak but without them no nation is
                   powerful. Adherence to such a maxim requires exceptionally strong
                   convictions, steel nerves and talent. They should know by now that,
                   as far as the Cuban people is concerned, the ideals that inspire
                   freedom, dignity, love of one’s homeland, its identity, its culture and
                   the strictest sense of justice that human beings can conceive of are
                   more valuable than anything on Earth. These are not weapons of
                   mass destruction, but rather weapons of mass moral defense, and
                   we are willing to fight and die for them.

                   I understand that for a man like Bolton, intoxicated with the military,
                   economic and technological might of the superpower on whose
                   behalf he speaks, it might not be easy to understand these things.
                   However, it would be a good idea if he tried.

                   Cuba has absolutely nothing to hide. On the contrary, it is proud of
                   its development in the biomedical research field.

                   I shall offer a brief historical summary.

                        1979: the Genetic Engineering Group was set up in the National
                        Center for Scientific research.
                        1981: the first biotechnology scientific-productive institution
                        devoted to producing alpha and beta interferon was founded.
                        The medical-pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
                        program: this came into being as a result of the scientific,
                        economic and social development the country had achieved.
                        Cuba met the standards for inspection and certification by
                        international agencies and by the national regulatory agencies of
                        those countries with which it was to have trading relations.
                        The major part of the investment program is developed
                        between 1990 and 1997. It would comprise 40 facilities.
                        A completely humanitarian industry is developed to research
                        and produce medicines for preventing disease and saving lives,
                        as well as to increase food production.
                        The purchase of technological equipment used worldwide from
                        commercial companies with an international reputation.
                        Abiding by agreements entered by Cuba in compliance with the
                        Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons, the Cuban
                        biotechnology industry, the health system and the civil defense
                        organizations submit an annual report to the United Nations on
                        confidence building measures.
                        Many regulatory agencies from various countries have visited
                        Cuban productive biotechnology facilities as a prerequisite for
                        marketing our products in their countries.
                        In the next few years, 50 new products will come on to the
                        market. These include biopharmaceuticals, vaccines and
                        diagnosis kits.
                        Our country already has a stock of intellectual property
                        consisting of more than 150 inventions and over 500 patents
                        registered abroad. The results of scientific research are
                        published in the most important international journals.
                        1990: Our products began to be exported and exports have
                        increased every year since then.
                        1992: Cuba signed the Convention on Biological Diversity
                        ratified in 1994.
                        1995: landmark forms of marketing are introduced: technology
                        transfers, at-risk development contracts with foreign
                        companies, and production-commercial partnerships.
                        Today, products and technology of the Cuban biotechnology
                        industry are available in more than 40 countries


                   Agreements for Technology transfers or negotiations are currently
                   underway with 14 countries:

                   India: 4 transfers, 4 products

                   China: 2 transfers, 4 products.

                   Brazil: 2 transfers, 2 products.

                   Egypt: 4 transfers, I product under negotiation.

                   Malaysia: 6 transfers.

                   Iran: 4 transfers, 4 products.

                   Russia: 1 transfer, 1 product.

                   South Africa: 1 transfer, 1 product.

                   Tunisia: 1 transfer, 1 product.

                   Algeria: 1 transfer, 3 products.

                   Great Britain-Belgium: 1 transfer, 1 product.

                   Venezuela: 1 transfer, 2 products under negotiation.

                   Mexico: 1 transfer, 1 product

                   New trade and production negotiations are underway with 10

                   Malaysia, Holland, Spain, Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Mexico, Ukraine,
                   Germany and the United States (in this case negotiations over the
                   use of the Cuban anti-meningitis vaccine and the first contacts for
                   possible clinical trials with the EGF vaccine for lung cancer).

                   Cuban biotechnology centers have already registered:

                   24 products, both biopharmaceuticals and vaccines.

                   49 cutting edge generic medicine.

                   5 products for treating AIDS.

                   15 new medical equipment

                   24 diagnosis systems.

                   And moving on from these results, scientific research is now focusing
                   on 60 projects.

                   Among the most significant new products that scientific researchers
                   try to obtain are the following:

                   29 new vaccines including 8 cancer vaccines, 4 of which are in the
                   clinical trial stage not only in Cuba but also in Canada, Argentina and

                   21 innovative products for treating cancer plus the 28 cytostatics
                   already known, which a new plant will begin producing.

                   Cuban biotechnology centers have filed for patents on 150 inventions
                   that would bring our total number of patents registered to 505. Four
                   of these patents have been awarded the Medal of the World
                   Intellectual Property Organization.

                   Countless politicians, scientists and businesspeople have visited
                   Cuban biotechnology institutes. In the year 2000, 1520 people
                   visited just one of the most important centers; 484 of them came
                   from the United States.

                   The doors of our research centers are opened to any international

                   In an official public note, Cuba has proposed three important draft
                   agreements to the United States, which are more beneficial for the
                   United States than they are for Cuba, given the extent of the
                   problems in each of the two countries. One, a draft agreement on
                   immigration issues; two, a draft cooperation agreement to fight
                   illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
                   three, a draft bilateral cooperation program to fight terrorism. We
                   have not received any reply whatsoever. Perhaps their reply is to
                   accuse us of manufacturing biological weapons? Who do they think
                   they can intimidate with that?

                   We are urged to stop any kind of cooperation applicable to biological
                   weapons with "rogue" states and to meet all our obligations under
                   the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons. What is the
                   international organization that decides whether a country is or is not
                   a rogue state? What is the rule of the Convention on Biological
                   Weapons that Cuba has violated? Is it perhaps that on top of the
                   criminal blockade they are now trying to prevent us from marketing
                   our medicines and using our most wholesome and noblest products,
                   the fruit of the talent of our scientists, to place them at the service of
                   any person’s health anywhere in the world? Could it be that the U.S.
                   government wants to have a bilateral agreement in addition to those
                   Cuba has proposed, namely, cooperation in the struggle against the
                   production of biological weapons? Say so, then. We would be willing
                   to include it on our list of projects pending a reply.

                   We are sorry, Mr. Bolton. After the lies, slanders, tales and insults
                   you launched in your May 6 speech, we are sorry to tell you that you
                   lack any morale to make exhortations to Cuba on this subject and
                   even less to make any demand at all using a threatening tone and
                   language. Neither can you pretend to give Cuba any lesson in politics
                   or ethics.

                   Anyway, you and your government could draw inspiration from
                   Cuba’s decent and honorable behavior. I can assure you that we will
                   charge absolutely nothing for this technology transfer.

                   Friday, May 10, 2002