Group Seeking Castro Arrest Moves On
Daily News Staff Writer
Cuban exile group tried to get New York City cops to
arrest Fidel Castro for murder, but left town yesterday
feeling it accomplished its mission of holding the Cuban
dictator accountable.
Jose Basulto, head of Brothers to the Rescue, went to Mayor
Giuliani and the cops at the 17th Precinct asking them to put the
cuffs on Castro for the deaths of four people — including three
Americans — when a Cuban jet fighter shot down a plane
violating Cuban air space in 1996.
Both City Hall and the cops referred Basulto to the FBI.
In a statement, Basulto argued that Castro's diplomatic immunity
was not an "absolute or total protection against prosecution for
crimes committed by diplomats and heads of state."
The group felt its publicity moves succeeded in making its point.
"Castro is not above the law," said Basulto's lawyer, Roberto
Castro's supporters in New York dismissed the accusations.
"It's a game they're playing," said the Rev. Lucius Walker, who
has organized a standing-room-only welcome for Castro tonight at
Riverside Church.
Walker noted that Brothers to the Rescue was warned by the
Cuban government after it made several unauthorized flights over
the island nation.