United States-Cuba Relations
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CIA Report: Possible Infiltration of Las Villas Province by Cuban Refugees, Nov. 27, 1963

CIA Report: Planned Attack by Commands L Against a Soviet Ship in Cuban Waters, Nov. 28, 1963

CIA Report: Possible Plan by Cubanos Libres to Hijack a Ship, Nov. 28, 1963

CIA Report: Planned Activation of Plan Omega, Nov. 28, 1963

CIA Report: Planned Departure of Commands L for Raid on Cuba, Nov. 28, 1963

CIA Report: Promise of President Romulo Betancourt to Provide the Movimiento Democrata Cristiano (MDC) with an Operational Base in Venezuela; Involvement of Carlos Prio, Dec. 3, 1963

CIA Report: Negotiations between Carlos Prio Socarras and the Dominican Triunvirate for an Anti-Castro Military Base in the Dominican Republic, Dec. 3, 1963

CIA Report: Failure of the Commandos L vessel Harbell to Return from a Fishing Trip to the Bahamas, Dec. 5, 1963

CIA Report: Carlos Prio Meeting with Luis Somoza, Dec. 1963 (First and third page missing)

CIA Report: Attitude of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) Regarding Armed Action Against Cuba, Dec. 12, 1963

CIA Report: Commandos L Plan to Attack Ship Near Cuba on 15 December, Dec. 15, 1963

CIA Report: Possible Raid Attempt by the Commandos L, Dec. 27, 1963

CIA Report: Plan of Comandos Libres to Attack the Compaņia Jarcea of Matanzas, Jan. 7, 1964 (Jorge Rodriguez Triana, Ricardo Morales Navarrete, Evangelio Rufin Sanabria, Jorge Rufin Lustre, Reinaldo Lermo Hernandez, Juan Espinosa Gonzalez, Ramon Cubeņas Conde, Bernardo Escobar Ferro, Humberto Lopez Davila, Manuel Dupont Rivas, Fidel Calero Rufin, Juan Rufin Lustre, Eduardo Fueyo, Manuel Benitez Benitez, Luis Arguelles)

CIA Status Report on Cuba, Dec. 12, 1963

White House Cuba Meeting with the President, Dec. 27, 1963

White House Situation Room, Cuba Meeting, Feb. 18, 1964

White House Cuba Meeting, Feb. 19, 1964

Minutes of 303 Committee Meeting, Sept. 24, 1964

Meeting with the President, Nov. 19, 1964

Special Group Meeting: Memorandum for Bundy, March 4, 1965

Joint CIA-DIA Team Report on the Military Posture In Cuba as It Pertains to Strategic Weapons, April 19, 1966

Joint CIA-DIA Team Report on the Military Posture In Cuba as It Pertains to Strategic Weapons, July 6, 1966

Joint CIA-DIA Team Report on the Military Posture In Cuba as It Pertains to Strategic Weapons, Aug. 17, 1966

Joint CIA-DIA Team Report on the Military Posture In Cuba as It Pertains to Strategic Weapons, Feb. 23, 1967

Walt Rostow Memorandum for the President: Report of Soviet Strategic Missiles in Cuba, March 7, 1967 [Paul Bethel]

Possible Combined Sea and Air Strike Against Cuba by the MIRR (Aug. 3, 1964) 
Possible Air Strike Over Cuba by MIRR on 31 December 1964 or 1 January 1965 (Dec. 31, 1964) 
Possible Impending Air Strike Against Cuba by the MIRR (Feb. 12, 1965) 
Planed Air Strike Against Habana on 16 February 1965 by the MIRR (Feb. 16, 1965) 
Decision of Orlando Bosch Avila to Use a Cuban Pilot on the MIRR'S Airstrike Scheduled for 16 February 1965 (Feb. 17, 1965) 
MIRR Intention to Bomb Habana; Use of American Pilots in MIRR Air Strikes (Feb. 22, 1965) 
Department of State, Incoming Telegram (Feb. 24, 1965) 
Possible Imminent Attempt by Orlando Bosch of the MIRR to Bomb a Cuban Refinery (April 6, 1965) 
Probable Attempt by Orlando Bosch Avila, Leader of MIRR, to Conduct an Air Strike Over Habana (May 13, 1965)  


Let Exiles Raid, Invade If Needed, Nixon Tells U.S. (Miami Herald, April 21, 1963, 1)
President Bars Attack on Cuba (New York Times, Sept. 13, 1963)

Responsibility for Allowing Communism to Take Over Cuba (1964) (U.S. Policy Toward Cuba and Cuban Exiles) [Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files: Cuba Internal and Foreign Affairs 1955-1959]
Goldwater Would Support An Exile Invasion of Cuba (Miami Herald, Jan. 8, 1964)

Congress Leaders Support Johnson (N.Y. Times, May 4, 1965)
G.O.P. Offers U.S. Anti-Castro Plan (N.Y. Times, May 21, 1965)

Cuba, Castro and the United States. Philip W. Bosal (Foreign Affairs, Jan. 1967)