On January 8, the four committees of the Conference discussed the provisional agenda drafted in Cairo by the Committee on Preparations at its meeting during the previous September. The agenda finally adopted was the following:
1. The struggle against imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism.
A. Support to the Vietnamese people in its heroic struggle against the imperialist aggression of the United States and for the liberation of South Vietnam and unification of the entire country.
B. Struggle for complete national liberation , for the right of peoples to selfdetermination, and consolidation of independence and national sovereignty in the three continents, struggle against imperialist aggression, subversive conspiracies, and foreign intervention in independent states; and against the imperialist policy of isolating peoples struggling for their national independence.
C. Intensification of all forms of struggle, including armed struggle, by the peoples of the three continents. against imperialism colonialism, and neocolonialism, headed by U.S. imperialism.
D. Support to the Cuban people in its just struggle against U.S. imperialism and in defense of national sovereignty. Support to the patriotic struggle of the Latin American peoples against the imperialism of the United States and its instruments, such as the OAS.
E. Elimination of foreign military bases in the three continents and action against the policy of military pacts.
F. Struggle to prohibit the use, production, testing, and storage of nuclear weapons, and for complete destruction of all present nuclear weapons and all instruments for producing them; and struggle for disarmament and world peace.
G. Action against apartheid and racial segregation; support to the peoples of Africa and of the United States in defending their rights to equality and freedom; struggle against discrimination and racism in all other forms.
H. Ways and means of aiding the liberation movements in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, in general, and armed struggle for independence, in particular.
2. Burning issues of the struggle against imperialism in the countries of the three continents, particularly in Vietnam, the Dominican Republic, the Congo, the Portuguese colonies, Rhodesia, southern Arabia add Palestine, Laos, Cambodia@,- South Africa, Korea, Venezuela, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, Cyprus, Panama, Southwest Africa, and North Kalimantan.
3. Anti-imperialist solidarity among the African, Asian, and Latin American peoples in economic, social, and cultural fields.
A. For the economic emancipation and social and cultural liberation of the peoples of the three continents.
1. Principles on joint struggle to obtain and consolidate the economic emancipation of the peoples of the three continents and the struggle against the economic exploitation and aggression of imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism.
2. Measures to eliminate the consequences of colonial domination in the economic, social, and cultural fields.
3. Action against the policy of blockade and boycott imposed by imperialism in the case of countries that are fighting for freedom and that have already achieved independence.
4. Economic planning and mobilization of natural and manpower resources for economic development and to obtain true economic independence, based chiefly on the country's own natural resources.
5. Agrarian reform in the continents.
6. Problems of national training of personnel.
B. For the development of economic, social, and cultural relations.
1. Aid and cooperation among the peoples of Africa, Asia, America in the economic, social, and cultural fields. 2. Fundamental principles of economic and technical cooperation among the countries of the three continents, based on principles of equality and mutual interest.
3. Establishment of a new economic policy between countries of the three continents and the rest of the world. Establishment of trade, economic, and financial relations with the developed countries on a basis that makes possible the development of the others.
4. Formulation of a joint definition for the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America of the concept of a peaceful coexistence.
C. For coordinating the action of workers', students', and women's organizations in the three continents.
4. Political and institutional unification of the efforts of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America in their joint struggle for national liberation, reconstruction, prosperity, and peace.
Summarizing the agenda and purpose of the Tricontinental Conference, the official Cuban newspaper Granma, in its issue of January 6, 1966, said:
The strategy of the revolutionary movements in their struggle
against imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism and, especially against
Yankees imperialism - principal enemy of peoples- calls for closer military
ties and solidarity between the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America,
the working class, the progressive forces of the capitalistic countries
of Europe and the United States and the Socialist camp.