Movements in Latin America Classroom:
Dr. Antonio de la Cova Office: Sycamore Hall 043
COURSE OBJECTIVES: A study of the twentieth century Mexican, Cuban and Nicaraguan revolutions, the insurgent movements they have sponsored, and United States policy toward them. Emphasis on Cold War issues, guerrilla organizations and theories, counterinsurgency and liberation theology.
READINGS: You are expected to read all of the texts assigned to this course and the homework assigned readings. Questions regarding the texts and homework will appear on the exams. The texts available at the bookstore are:
Charles Bergquist, ed. Violence in Colombia 1990-2000: Waging War
and Negotiating Peace (2001).
Daniel Castro. Revolution and Revolutionaries: Guerrilla Movements
in Latin America (1999).
Stephen C. Rabe. The Most Dangerous Area in the World: John F. Kennedy
Confronts Communist Revolution in Latin America (1999).
OTHER MATERIAL: Documentaries and overhead projections presented are part of class lectures, requiring taking notes on these occasions. Homework will be assigned from the Latin American Studies web page.
GRADING: Your grade will consist of three exams with an essay component and a research paper. The exams will cover material from the readings, lectures and presentations. There will be no "Extra Credit." The final grade is:
First exam 15%
Second Exam 25% Third Exam 30%
Research Paper 30%
A = 100-90; B+ = 89-87;
B = 86-80; C+ = 79-77; C = 76-70; D+ = 69-67; D = 66-60; F = 59-0
RESEARCH PAPER: Choose your own topic related to this course. Eight to ten pages in text length, typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, with standard margins, without illustrations. Include at least three citations from the Latin American Studies web page, three books and three journals. A late paper will lose ten points. Turn in a paper copy and one on disk or by e-mail.
MAKE-UP EXAMS: It will only be given if you have a valid physician's excuse or a verified family emergency. Makeups are different and considerably more difficult than the regularly scheduled test.
ATTENDANCE: The roll will be taken at every class. Absences totaling 8 classes (20% of the course) will result in an F for the course.
CLASSES LECTURE TOPICS ASSIGNED READINGS Dec. 2-6 Introduction and study guides Castro, xi-xxxvii; Rabe, 1-33. Liberal and Conservative ideologies The Rule of Porfirio Diaz The Porfirio Diaz dictatorship The Plan of San Luis Potosi Film: Revolution and Rebirth Mexican Revolution Chronology Dec. 9-13 The Mexican Revolution Castro, 1-22; Rabe, 34-78. The Women Soldaderas The Plan de Ayala U.S. Occupation of Veracruz 1917 Constitution of Mexico Film: Pancho Villa: Outlaw Hero Zimmermann Telegram Dec. 16-20 The Nicaraguan Civil Wars 1893-1927 Castro, 23-42; Rabe, 79-124. The Origins of Sandinismo Tipitapa Agreement of 1927 U.S. Intervention in Nicaragua San Albino Manifesto Dec. 20 First Exam. Guidelines for Sandino's army Research paper prospectus and bibliography due. Jan. 6-10 Sandinista guerrilla warfare Castro, 43-63; Rabe, 125-172. The Somoza Dynasty Open Letter to President Hoover Batista coup d'etat of 1952 Sandino Letter to the N.Y. World Film: Fidel Manifesto to the Nation Jan. 13-17 The Moncada Attack Castro, 65-86; Rabe, 173-199. The 26th of July Movement Cuban Rebel Is Visited in Hideout The Sierra Maestra campaign Cuba's Yankee Comandante Film: Che Guevara Bolivia Diary Why We Fight
Jan. 20-24 Puerto Rican Nationalism Castro, 87-112; Bergquist, vii-38. The FALN bombings in the United States 100 Years of Pedro Albizu Campos The Macheteros $7M Wells Fargo robbery P. R. Terrorists Threaten Reagan Jan. 24 Second Exam Managua aids P.R. terror schools Jan. 27-31 Cuban-sponsored Caribbean invasions Castro, 113-134; Bergquist, 39-94. Che Guevara's Bolivian campaign Che's Guerrilla Movement in Bolivia Liberation Theology Church revisits 'option for the poor' Film: Silent Warriors: Druglord Manhunt Cuba's Renewed Support for Violence Feb. 3-7 The Sandinistas Castro, 135-162; Bergquist, 95-169. The Salvadoran FMLN We shipped weapons, Sandinistas say Shining Path and MRTA in Peru Resurgence of Shining Path? Film: Cold War in Central America Lori Berenson Feb. 10-14 Zapatista National Liberation Front (EZLN) Castro, 163-189; Bergquist, 170-225. Colombian Civil Wars (1810-1957 The Colombia I Left Behind Revolutionary Armed Forces Colombia (FARC) Colombia's female fighting force Film: The Hostage Crisis in Peru Rebels Blur the Lines in Drug War Feb. 14 Research paper due
Feb. 17-21 National Liberation Army of Colombia (ELN) Castro, 190-227; Bergquist, 226-279. United Peasant Self-Defence Force (AUC) Rebel death may split Colombia's ELN United States role in Colombia Interview with Carlos Casta?o Feb. 21 Third Exam U.S. role in war on rebels limitedThe preceeding schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.