Register Book----New Orleans Agency of Nicaragua Emigration Company.
          To encourage the Immigration of persons of thrift and industry to become
          Settlers and Inhabitants within its Territorial Limits, to the end that its
          resources may be fully developed and its commerce increased, and to
          promote the general welfare of the State, has DECREED:

ARTICLE 1. A free Donation or Grant of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY
          ACRES OF PUBLIC LAND shall be made to each Single Person who shall
          enter the State (during the continuance of this Decree) and Settle and make
          Improvements upon the said Tract: the same to be located by the Director
          of Colonization, hereafter to be named, and immediate possession given.

ARTICLE 2. Each Family, entering the State and settling upon its Territory, shall
          receive ONE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND in addition to the 250 granted
          to Single Settlers.

ARTICLE 3. A Right to Occupy and Improve shall be issued to Applicants; and, at
          the expiration of Six Months--upon satisfactory evidence being presented
          to the Director of Colonization, of compliance with the provisions of this
          Decree--TITLE will be given.

ARTICLE 4. No DUTIES shall be Levied on the Personal Effects, Household
          Furniture, Agricultural Implements, Seeds, Plants, Domestic Animals, or
          other Imports for the Personal use of the Colonists, or the development of
          the resources of the Land donated; and Colonists shall be exempt from all
          extraordinary Taxes and Contributions, and from all Public Service, except
          when the public safety shall otherwise demand.

ARTICLE 5. The Colonists (being Citizens of the Republic) cannot alienate the
          Land granted, to any foreign government whatever; and shall not alienate
          the said Land, or their rights thereunto, until after an occupancy of at least
          six months.

ARTICLE 6. A Colonialization Office shall be established, and a Director of
          Colonialization appointed; whose business it shall be to attend to
          applications from the Emigrants, to Collect and Dispense Seeds, Plants, &c.,
          and to keep the Registry Books of the Department.

Done in Granada, the 23d of November, 1855.

                                                            PATRICIO RIVAS,
                                                                        President of the Republic.

We, the Undersigned, have read the foregoing DECREE, dated "Granada, 23d
         November, 1855," and hereby declare our intention of Emigrating
         to Nicaragua, to avail ourselves of its Privileges and comply with
         its Conditions. We do, also, declare that we shall carry with us, to
         Nicaragua, Personal Property as set forth against our respective