Dr. de la Cova at the Mayan ruins in Chichen Itza.
Mexico: Politics, 
Culture and Society

Mon. Wed.

Dr. Antonio de la Cova

Office: Sycamore Hall 043
Hours: 11AM-Noon  M-W
Phone: 855-4745

COURSE OBJECTIVES: An understanding of the political, cultural and social development of Mexico. Emphasis on synchretism, the convergence of Mesoamericans, Europeans and Africans, and their contributions to the region's growth and development. Significant attention will be given to the influence of the United States in this region.

READINGS: You are expected to read all of the texts assigned to this course and the homework assigned readings. Questions regarding the texts and homework will appear on the exams. The texts available at the bookstore are:

Mariano Azuela. The Underdogs. (1996)
Colin MacLachlan & William Beezeley. El Gran Pueblo: A History of Greater Mexico (2004)
David Lorey. The U.S.-Mexican Border in the Twentieth Century (1999)

OTHER MATERIAL: Documentaries and overhead projections presented are part of class lectures, requiring taking notes on these occasions. Homework will be assigned from the Latin American Studies web page.

GRADING: Your grade will consist of three exams with an essay component and a research paper. The exams will cover material from the readings, lectures and presentations. There will be no "Extra Credit." The final grade is:

        First exam 15%     Second Exam 25%     Third Exam 30%     Research Paper 30%
        A = 100-90; B+ = 89-87; B = 86-80; C+ = 79-77; C = 76-70; D+ = 69-667; D = 66-60; F = 59-0

RESEARCH PAPER: Choose your own topic related to this course. Eight to ten pages in body length, typed, double-spaced, with standard margins, without illustrations. Include at least three citations from the Latin American Studies web site, three books and three academic journals. A late paper will lose ten points. Turn in a paper copy and one on disk or by e-mail.

MAKE-UP EXAMS: It will only be given if you have a valid physician's excuse or a verified family emergency. Makeups are different and considerably more difficult than the regularly scheduled test.

ATTENDANCE: The roll will be taken at every class. Absenses totaling 8 classes (20% of the course) will result in an F for the course.

CLASSES          LECTURE TOPICS                         ASSIGNED READINGS

Sept. 5-6   Introduction and study guides        MacLachlan, xi-46
            Olmecs                               Mystery of the Olmec 

Sept. 9-13  Mayas                                MacLachlan, 47-84
            Aztecs                               The Maya Finally Speak 
            Hernan Cortes and the conquest       The Enigma of Aztec Sacrifice          
            Film: God, Gold, and Glory           The Hernan Cortes Expedition 

Sept. 16-20 Imperial Administration              MacLachlan, 85-136; Lorey,1-23.
            Colonial Church                      The Encomienda 
            Geography, Race and Class            Myth Versus Miracle    
            Film: From Independence to the Alamo Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz 

Sept. 23-27 Independence Movement (1810-1821)    MacLachlan, 137-183.
            The Iturbide Monarchy                Psychological Warfare in Hidalgo Revolt                
            Origins of Federalism in Mexico      The Life of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

            First Exam. Research paper prospectus and bibliography due.     

Sept. 30-   Texican Revolution                   MacLachlan, 184-210; Lorey,24-34.
Oct. 4      The War of the Northern Invasion     Myth, Blood, and Ink 
            The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo      The Yellow Rose of Texas 
            Film: Battle for North America       The Battalion of Saint Patrick 

Oct.  7-11  Benito Juarez and Liberal Reform     MacLachlan, 211-246;Azuela,1-52;Lorey,35-52.
            Maximilian and French Intervention   Conservatives vs. Liberals
            The Porfiriato                       Napoleon III and Mexico 
            Film: Revolution and Rebirth         Porfirio Diaz 

Oct. 14-15  The Mexican Revolution               MacLachlan, 247-293;Azuela,53-105;Lorey,53-76.
            The Punitive Expedition              Mexican Revolution Chronology
                                                 The Plan de Ayala
Oct. 21-25  Cristero rebellion                   MacLachlan, 294-337;Azuela,106-161;Lorey,77-92.                
            Lazaro Cardenas populism             Anti-Clerical Who Led a Catholic Rebellion 
            Bracero program                      Cardenismo: Juggernaut or Jalopy? 
            Second exam                          Bracero Timeline 

Oct. 28-    Film, Music, and Popular Culture     MacLachlan, 338-376;Lorey,93-116.
Nov. 1      Art and Literature                   Diego Rivera: Sleeping with the Enemy 
            Society                              Octavio Paz, Mexico's Literary Giant 
            Film: Food for the Ancestors         Mexicans Mark Day of the Dead 

Nov. 4-8    Tlatelolco Massacre                  MacLachlan, 377-415;Lorey,117-152.
            Migration and the Border             For Many in Mexico, Bribes a Way of Life 
            Economic crisis and NAFTA            The 1968 Mexican Student Movement 
            Film: The Mexican-Americans          Mexico Becomes World's Anteroom 

Nov. 8      Research paper due
Nov. 11-15  U.S.-Mexico Relations                MacLachlan, 416-478;Lorey,153-182.                     
            Zapatista rebellion                  Unusual battle lines form around jungle 
            Fall of the PRI                      A Crowning Defeat: Mexico as the Victor 
            Third exam
The preceeding schedule and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.