The Plan of San Luis Potosi
(November 20, 1910)

     Peoples, in their constant efforts for the triumph of the ideal of liberty and justice, are forced, at precise historical moments, to make their greatest

     Our beloved country has reached one of those moments. A force of tyranny which we Mexicans were not accustomed to suffer after we won our
     independence oppresses us in such a manner that it has become intolerable. In exchange for that tyranny we are offered peace, but peace full of shame
     for the Mexican nation, because its basis is not law, but force; because its object is not the aggrandizement and prosperity of the country, but to enrich a
     small group who, abusing their influence, have converted the public charges into fountains of exclusively personal benefit, unscrupulously exploiting the
     manner of lucrative concessions and contracts.

     The legislative and judicial powers are completely subordinated to the executive; the division of powers, the sovereignty of the States, the liberty of the
     common councils, and the rights of the citizens exist only in writing in our great charter; but, as a fact, it may almost be said that martial law constantly
     exists in Mexico; the administration of justice, instead of imparting protection to the weak, merely serves to legalize the plunderings committed by the
     strong; the judges instead of being the representatives of justice, are the agents of the executive, whose interests they faithfully serve; the chambers of the
     union have no other will than that of the dictator; the governors of the States are designated by him and they in their turn designate and impose in like
     manner the municipal authorities.

     From this it results that the whole administrative, judicial, and legislative machinery obeys a single will, the caprice of General Porfirio Diaz, who during
     his long administration has shown that the principal motive that guides him is to maintain himself in power and at any cost.

     For many years profound discontent has been felt throughout the Republic, due to such a system of government, but General Diaz with great cunning
     and perseverance, has succeeded in annihilating all independent elements, so that it was not possible to organize any sort of movement to take from him
     the power of which he made such bad use. The evil constantly became worse, and the decided eagerness of General Diaz to impose a successor upon
     the nations in the person of Mr. Ramon Corral carried that evil to its limit and caused many of us Mexicans, although lacking recognized political
     standing, since it had been impossible to acquire it during the 36 years of dictatorship, to throw ourselves into the struggle to recover the sovereignty of
     the people and their rights on purely democratic grounds....

     In Mexico, as a democratic Republic, the public power can have no other origin nor other basis than the will of the people, and the latter can not be
     subordinated to formulas to be executed in a fraudulent manner. . . ,

     For this reason the Mexican people have protested against the illegality of the last election and, desiring to use successively all the recourses offered by
     the laws of the Republic, in due form asked for the nullification of the election by the Chamber of Deputies, notwithstanding they recognized no legal
     origin in said body and knew beforehand that, as its members were not the representatives of the people, they would carry out the will of General Diaz,
     to whom exclusively they owe their investiture.

     In such a state of affairs the people, who are the only sovereign, also protested energetically against the election in imposing manifestations in different
     parts of the Republic; and if the latter were not general throughout the national territory, It was due to the terrible pressure exercised by the
     Government, which always quenches in blood any democratic manifestation, as happened in Puebla, Vera Cruz, Tlaxcala, and in other places.

     But this violent and illegal system can no longer subsist.

     I have very well realized that if the people have designated me as their candidate. for the Presidency it is not because they have had an opportunity to
     discover in me the qualities of a statesman or of a ruler, but the virility of the patriot determined to sacrifice himself, if need be, to obtain liberty and to
     help the people free themselves from the odious tyranny that oppresses them.

     From the moment I threw myself into the democratic struggle I very well knew that General Diaz would not bow to the will of the nation, and the noble
     Mexican people, in following me to the polls, also knew perfectly the outrage that awaited them; but in spite of it, the people gave the cause of liberty a
     numerous contingent of martyrs when they were necessary and with wonderful stoicism went to the polls and received every sort of molestation.

     But such conduct was indispensable to show to the whole world that the Mexican people are fit for democracy, that they are thirsty for liberty, and that
     their present rulers do not measure up to their aspirations.

     Besides, the attitude of the people before and during the election, as well as afterwards, shows clearly that they reject with energy the Government of
     General Diaz and that, if those electoral rights had been respected, I would have been elected for President of the Republic.

     Therefore, and in echo of the national will, I declare the late election illegal and, the Republic being accordingly without rulers, provisionally assume the
     Presidency of the Republic until the people designate their rulers pursuant to the law. In order to attain this end, it is necessary to eject from power the
     audacious usurpers whose only title of legality involves a scandalous and immoral fraud.

     With all honesty I declare that it would be a weakness on my part and treason to the people, who have placed their confidence in me, not to put myself
     at the front of my fellow citizens, who anxiously call me from all parts of the country, to compel General Diaz by force of arms, to respect the national