Medical History Books

Bennet, John. The Doctor to the Dead: Grotesque Legends and Folk Tales of Old Charleston. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1995. 260 pp. Reprint, 3rd Edition. (P)

Bohler, Lorenz. The Treatment of Fractures. Bristol: John Wright & Sons, 1935. 578 pp.

Brown, William J., et al. Syphilis and Other Venereal Diseases. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1970. 241 pp.

Bryan, Charles S. Asylum Doctor: James Woods Babcock and the Red Plague of Pellagra. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2014. 402 pp.

Burns, Stanley B. and Elizabeth A. Burns. Stiffs, Skulls & Skeletons: Medical Photography and Symbolism. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2015.

Colaizzi, Janet. Homicidal Insanity, 1800-1985. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1989. 181 pp.

Creswell, Clarendon Hyde. The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: Historical Notes from 1505 to 1905. Edinburgh: Tweeddale Court, 1926. 315 pp.

Feldberg, Georgina D. Disease and Class: Tuberculosis and the Shaping of Modern North American Society. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995. 274 pp.

Fleischman, John. Phineas Cage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. 86 pp.

Goodman, Jordan, Anthony McElligott, and Lara Marks. Useful Bodies: Humans in the Servicew of Medical Science in the Twentieth Century. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. 217 pp.

Graham, Peter W. and Fritz H. Oehlschlaeger. Articulating the Elephant Man: Joseph Merrick and his Interpreters. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. 212 pp.

Haley, Bruce. The Healthy Body and Victorian Culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978. 296 pp.

Hallam, Elizabeth. Anatomy Museum: Death and the Body Displayed. London: Reaktion Books, 2016. 444 pp.

Harris, Harold J. Brucellosis (Undulant Fever) Clinical and Subclinical. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1950. 2nd ed. 617 pp.

Howe, G. Melvyn. Man, Environment and Disease in Britain. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1972. 285 pp.

Humphreys, Margaret. Malaria: Poverty, Race, and Public Health in the United States. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2001. 196 pp.

Hurren, Elizabeth T. Dying for Victorian Medicine: English Anatomy and its Trade in the Dead Poor, c.1834-1929. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 380 pp.

Kiple, Kenneth F., ed. Plague, Pox & Pestilence: Disease in History. London: Phoenix Illustrated, 1999. 176 pp. (P)

Komlos, John. The Biological Standard of Living in Europe and America, 1700-1900. Great Britain: Variorum, 1995. 116 pp.

Lind, James. A Treatise on the Scurvy. New York: Gryphon Editions, 1980 (reprint). 559 pp.

Lindgren, Laura. Mütter Museum: Historic Medical Photographs. New York: Blast Books, 2007. 223 pp.

Louis, P. C. A. Researches on Phthisis: Anatomical Pathological and Therapeutical. London: The Sydenham Society, 1844. 571 pp.

Mackie, Thomas T., et al. A Manual of Tropical Medicine. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 1945. 727 pp.

Maples, William R. and Michael Browning. Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist. New York: Doubleday, 1994. 292 pp. (P)

Marie, Pierre and J. D. Souza-Leite. Essays on Acromegaly. New York: Gryphon Editions, 1995 (reprint). 182 pp.

Morantz-Sanchez, Regina. Conduct Unbecoming a Woman: Medicine on Trial in Turn-of-the-Century Brooklyn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 292 pp.

Moss, Kay K. Southern Folk Medicine 1750-1820. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1999. 259 pp.

Numbers, Ronald L. and Todd L. Savitt, eds. Science and Medicine in the Old South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989. 370 pp.

Oldstone, Michael B. A. Viruses, Plagues, & History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 211 pp.

Richardson, Ruth. Death, Dissection and the Destitute. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. 426 pp.

_____. The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy: Bodies, Books, Fortune, Fame. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. 322 pp.

Roberts Jr., Samuel Kelton. Infectious Fear: Politics, Disease, and the Health Effects of Segregation. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2009. 313 pp.

Robertson, R. G. Rotting Face: Smallpox and the American Indian. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Press, 2001. 329 pp.

Rosner, Lisa. The Anatomy Murders: Being the True and Spectacular History of Edinburgh's Notorious Burke and Hare and of the Man of Science who Abetted Them in the Commission of Their Most Heinous Crimes. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. 328 pp.

Rotberg, Robert I.. ed. Health and Disease in Human History: A Journal of Interdisciplinary History Reader. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2000. 345 pp.

Sizer, Nelson. Forty Years in Phrenology: Embracing Recollections of History, Anecdote, and Experience. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., 1882. 413 pp.

Shaar, C.M. and F.P. Kreuz, Jr. Manuel of Fractures: Treatment by External Skeletal Fixation. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1943. 300 pp.

Shattuck, George Cheever. Diseases of the Tropics. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1951. 803 pp.

Shultz, Suzanne M. Body Snatching: The Robbing of Graves for the Education of Physicians in Early Nineteenth Century America. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 1992. 134 pp.  (P)

Sugg, Richard. Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians. London: Routledge, 2011. 374 pp. (P)

Strong, Richard P., et al. Typhus Fever with Particular Reference to the Serbian Epidemic. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1920. 273 pp.

Swellengrebel, N. H. and M. M. Sterman. Animal Parasites in Man. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1961. 652 pp.

Tanner, J. M. (ed.). Human Growth. New York: Pergamon Press, 1960. 120 pp.

Von Rosenstein, Nicholas Rosen. The Diseases of Children, and their Remedies. London: T. Cadell, 1776, Reprint. 364 pp.

Waring, Joseph Ioor. A History of Medicine in South Carolina 1825-1900. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Medical Association, 1967. 366 pp.

Warner, John Harley and James M. Edmonson. Dissection: Photographs of a Rite of Passage in American Medicine: 1880-1930. New York: Blast Books, 2009. 207 pp.

Watts, Sheldon. Epidemics and History: Disease, Power and Imperialism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. 400 pp. (P)

Weiner, Marli F. with Mazie Hough. Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum South. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. 267 pp.

Weyers, Wolfgang. The Abuse of Man: An Illustrated History of Dubious Medical Experimentation. New York: Ardor Scribendi, 2003. 755 pp.

Willey, P. and Douglas D. Scott (eds.) Health of the Seventh Calvary: A Medical History. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2015. 446 pp.

Wilson, J. C. Fever Nursing: Designed for the Use of Professional and Other Nurses, and Especially as a Text-Book for Nurses in Training. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1896. 210 pp.

Wittenstein, Vicki Oransky. For the Good of Mankind? The Shameful History of Human Medical Experimentation. Minneapolis: twenty-First Century Books, 2014. 96 pp.

Wootton, David. Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.  304 pp.