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Almedia, Aurelio. Jurisprudencia Masónica. La Habana: Editorial Acacia, 1945. 264 pp. (P)
Baigent, Michael and Richard Leigh. The Temple and the Lodge. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1989. 306 pp. (P)
Blanchard, J. Revised Odd Fellowship Illustrated. Chicago: Ezra A. Cook Publications, Inc., 1951. 381 pp.
Campbell-Everden, William Preston. Freemasonry and Its Etiquette. New York: Weathervane Books, 1978. 433 pp.
Cummings, William L. A Bibliography of Anti-Masonry. New York: Press of Henry Emmerson, 1963. 79.
Denslow, William R. 10,000 Famous Freemasons, 4 Vols. Independence, MO: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1957.
Duncan, Malcolm C. Masonic Ritual and Monitor. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, Publishers, 1888. 281 pp.
Fajardo, Reynold S. Dimasalang: The Masonic Life of Dr. Jose Rizal. Philippines: CMN Printing, Inc., n.d. 153 pp. (P)
_____. The Brethern: Masons in the Struggle for Philippine Independence. Philippines: Enrique L. Locsin/Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, 1998. 259 pp. (P)
Fay, Bernard. Revolution and Freemasonry: 1680-1800. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1935. 349 pp.
Gran Logia de Cuba. Directorio General 1949. Guanabacoa: Alejandro López, 1949. 119 pp. (P)
Gran Logia Soberana de Puerto Rico. Ceremoniales Masónicos. San Juan: Cooperativa de Artes Gráficas, 1978. 178 pp. (P)
_____. Liturgia del Grado de Apréndiz. San Juan: n.p., 1981. 52 pp. (P)
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida. Florida Masonic Code. Jacksonville: n.p., 1995. 178 pp.
_____. Florida Masonic Monitor. Jacksonville:, n.p., 1994. 291 pp.
The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. 1995 List
of Lodges
Masonic: Issued by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to Its
Lodges. Bloomington, IL: Pantagraph Printing &
Stationery Co.,
1995. 318 pp.
Graybill, Ben W. History of Kansas Masonry. Grand
Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas, 1975. 136
Halleran, Michael A. Freemasonry in the American Civil War.
Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2010. 229 pp.
Harris, Jack. Freemasonry: The Invisible Cult in Our Midst. Orlando: Daniels Publishing Co., Inc., 1983. 153 pp. (P)
Haywood, H.L. The Great Teachings of Masonry. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1923. 187 pp. (X)
Heaton, Ronald E. Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers. Silvery Spring, MD: The Masonic Service Association, 1974. 164 pp. (P)
Hunt, Charles Clyde. Masonic Symbolism. Cedar Rapids, IA: Laurance Press Co., 1939. 512 pp.
Hutchens, Rex R. A Bridge to Light. Anderson S.C.: Electric City Printing, 1992. 340 pp. (P)
Jordan, H. Glenn. Let There Be Light: A History of Freemasonry in Louisiana, 1763-1989. Baton Rouge: Bourque Printing, 1990. 410 pp.
Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. New York: Stein and Day, Publishers, 1984. 326 pp.
Leazer, Gary. Fundamentalism & Freemasonry: The Southern Baptist Investigation of the Fraternal Order. New York: M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1995. 253 pp.
Lewis C. "Wes." Sword and Trowel: The Story of Traveling and Military Lodges. Fulton, Mo: The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., 1964. 214 pp.
_____. Colonial Freemasonry. Independence, Mo: Missouri Lodge of Research, 1973-1974. 235 pp.
Mackey, Albert. The History of Freemasonry. New York: Gramercy Books, reprint 1996. 451 pp.
_____. The Symbolism of Freemasonry: Illustrating and Explaining Its Science and Philosophy, Its Legends, Myths, and Symbols. New York: Clark and Maynard, 1869. 364 pp. (X)
_____. A Manual of the Lodge. New York: Clark and Maynard, Publishers, 1870. 254 pp.
MacNutty, W. Kirk. Freemasonry: A Journey
Through Ritual
and Symbol. London: Thames and Hudson, 1991. 96 pp. (P)
_____. Freemasonry: Symbols, Secrets, Significance. London: Thames and Hudson, 2006. 320 pp.
Morgan, Wm. Freemasonry Exposed. Chicago: Ezra A. Cook, Publisher, 1827 reprint. 110 pp.
Orden Caballero de la Luz U.S.A. Constitución, Leyes y Reglamentos. n.p., 1976. 216 pp.
Proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina, 1994. Columbia: The R. L. Bryan Company, 1994. 140 pp. (P)
Proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge F.& A.M. of Florida, 1992. The Grand Lodge of Florida. 734 pp. (P)
Proceedings of The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, 1994. The Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, 1994. 193 pp. (P)
Proceedings of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1993. The Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1993. 164 pp. (P)
Proceedings of the M. W. Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee, 1995. The Grand Lodge of Tennessee, 1995. 163 pp. (P)
Quiñones, Pedro G. Jurisprudencia Masónica de Puerto Rico. San Juan: n.p., 1977. 115 pp. (P)
Roberts, Allen E. G. Washington: Master Mason. Richmond: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc., 1976. 206 pp.
_____. La Francmasonería y Sus Símbolos: Abriendo una Puerta al Simbolismo Masónico. Richmond: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc.,1986. 103 pp. (P)
_____. House Undivided: The Story of Freemansonry and the Civil War. Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc., 1990. 356 pp.
Robinson, John J. Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry. New York: M. Evans & Company, 1989. 376 pp.
_____. A Pilgram's Path: One Man's Road to the Masonic Temple. New York: M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1993. 178 pp. (P)
Rodenhauser, Paul C. Ritual of the Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America. n.p., 1979. 175 pp.
Short, Martin. Inside the Brotherhood: Further Secrets of the Freemasons. New York: Dorset Press, 1989. 531 pp.
Sickels, Daniel. The General Ahiman Rezon and Freemason's Guide. New York: Robert Macoy, 1888. 408 pp.
Voorhis, Harold Van Buren. Negro Masonry in the United States. New York: Henry Emmerson, 1949. 132 pp.
Wilmshurst, W.L. The Meaning of Masonry. New York: Bell Publishing Company, 1980. 216 pp. (P)