Granma International
March 26, 2002

Foreign Minister Perez Roque Speaks at Human Rights Commission in Geneva

                   We need a Commission at the service of everyone’s interests, and not
                   of the whims of the mightiest

                   GENEVA.— Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque urged the
                   member countries of the UN Human Rights Commission (HRC)
                   to reorganize that institution before it succumbs as a result of
                   its increasing disrepute.

                   (complete text)

                   REPUBLIC OF CUBA, AT THE 58th SESSION OF THE
                   GENEVA, 26 MARCH 2002


                   Mr. Chairman:

                   I do not think it is necessary here to go over truths that are
                   no longer questioned by anybody, such as the ever-increasing
                   lack of credibility and the extreme politicization that today
                   weigh down the work of the Human Rights Commission.
                   Disrepute is growing, time is running out. It is essential that
                   we democratize the methods of this Commission, reestablish
                   with transparency its purpose and rules; in a word, set it up
                   anew. We need a Commission at the service of everyone’s
                   interests, and not hostage to the designs of a minority or, as
                   becomes more obvioU.S. every day, to the whims of the

                   It is absolutely necessary to banish double standards from
                   this Commission. Did those who today question the
                   legitimacy of the elections in an African country utter a word
                   when, scarcely a year ago, amid the scandal, we had to wait
                   almost a month to learn who would be President of the United

                   It is absolutely necessary to banish selectivity from this
                   Commission. Last year, the Commission adopted resolutions
                   and declarations criticizing the human rights situation in 18
                   countries of the Third World. Some of those, like the one on
                   Cuba, were imposed by brutal pressure. Nevertheless,
                   not one decision mentioned any human rights violations in
                   the developed world. Is it becaU.S.e there are no such
                   violations or becaU.S.e it is impossible to criticize a rich
                   country in this Commission?

                   It is absolutely necessary to banish inequality from this
                   Commission. A minority of rich, developed countries impose
                   their interests here. They are the ones who can have large
                   delegations accredited here; they are the ones who introduce
                   most of the resolutions and decisions that are passed; they
                   are the ones who have all the resources to do their job. They
                   are always the judges and never the accU.S.ed. On the other
                   hand, here we are, the underdeveloped countries, accounting
                   for three quarters of the world population. We are always the
                   accU.S.ed – and the ones who through great sacrifices and
                   scarce resources try to make our voices heard here.

                   It is absolutely necessary to banish arbitrariness and the lack
                   of democratic spirit from this Commission. Is it not shameful
                   that the United States is pressing to return to the Human
                   Rights Commission without having to go through a vote? Is it
                   not almost laughable, if not truly pathetic, the reaction with
                   which the United States has wanted to take reprisals for its
                   fair exclU.S.ion from this body?

                   It is absolutely necessary to banish from this Commission the
                   attempt to ignore the defense of basic human rights for U.S.,
                   the poor peoples of the Earth. Why do the rich, developed
                   countries fail to openly recognize our right to development
                   and to receive financing to that end? Why is our right to
                   receive compensation for the centuries of grief and looting
                   that slavery and colonialism imposed on our countries not
                   recognized? Why is it not recognized our right to see the
                   cancellation of the debt strangling our countries? Why is it
                   not recognized our right to overcome poverty, our right to
                   food, our right to guarantee healthcare for our peoples, our
                   right to life? Why is it not recognized our right to education,
                   our right to enjoy scientific knowledge and our original
                   cultures? Why is it not recognized our right to sovereignty,
                   our right to live in a democratic, fair and equitable world?

                   Mr. Chairman:

                   Cuba considers that despite the differences in beliefs,
                   ideologies and political positions among U.S., there is –
                   nevertheless – a common danger facing U.S. all: the attempt
                   to impose a world dictatorship that serves the interests of the
                   mighty superpower and its transnational corporations, clearly
                   stating that you are either with them or against them.

                   Why do we not demand that the United States cease
                   unleashing wars that not only fail to resolve conflicts but in
                   fact also create new and more dangeroU.S. ones? Why do we
                   not demand that it abandon its plans to U.S.e nuclear
                   weapons? Why do we not demand that it not scrap the ABM
                   Treaty? Why do we not demand that it commit itself to
                   accepting the principle of verification envisaged in the
                   Additional Protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention?
                   Why do we not demand that it cease its unconditional support
                   for and complicity with the genocide of the Palestinian people
                   perpetrated by the Israeli army? Why do we not demand that
                   it relinquish its attempts to turn the United Nations
                   Organization into a tool that serves its interests? Why do we
                   not demand that it contribute to the establishment of the
                   fair, democratic and unbiased International Criminal Court
                   that we need and not to this warped attempt to set up a
                   court subjected to the will of the powerful? Why do we not
                   demand that it respect international conventions and the
                   principles of humanitarian International Law in its treatment
                   of the prisoners taken in the war against terrorism?

                   Why do we not demand that it sign the Kyoto Protocol? Why
                   do we not demand that it recognize the commitment to
                   allocate 0.7% of Gross Domestic Product as Official
                   Development Assistance? Why do we not demand that it put
                   an end to unilateral protectionist practices and stop making
                   the World Trade Organization subservient to its interests?
                   Why do we not demand that it cease imposing arbitrary tariffs
                   – as it jU.S.t did with steel and other products – that destroy
                   whole branches of the economies of other countries? Why do
                   we not demand that it stop being the only country opposing
                   the proclamation of the right to food as a basic and
                   fundamental human right? Why do we not demand that it
                   cease thwarting the formulas that would guarantee AIDS
                   patients access to drugs? Why do we not demand that it
                   repeal the Helms-Burton Act and the extraterritorial
                   enforcement of its laws? Why do we not demand that it
                   respect the international legislation on intellectual property?

                   Why do we not demand that it give up the idea of turning the
                   Human Rights Commission into a tool to accU.S.e and judge
                   poor countries? Why do we not demand that it cease to look
                   for the mote in its neighbor’s eye when it cannot see the
                   beam in its own? Why do we not demand that it deal with the
                   scandaloU.S. Enron case and with corruption right in the U.S.
                   and stop lecturing about corruption throughout the world?
                   Why do we not ask it to give up the principle of "do as I say
                   and not as I do"?

                   And now, with all due respect, I ask you, as representatives
                   of the rich and developed countries: Why, if in private you
                   agree with almost everything I have said, do you remain
                   silent and not lead the attack on these dangers threatening
                   U.S. all? Is it perhaps that you have the right to relinquish
                   your own values?

                   Is it that perhaps the will and the interests of the
                   overwhelming majority of the Earth’s inhabitants do not need
                   to be respected? Do not the countries in the West – which up
                   until yesterday were allies of the United States in a bipolar
                   world but today are victims as are we of this dangeroU.S. and
                   unsU.S.tainable order it is trying to impose – think that the
                   time has come to defend our rights together? Why not try to
                   form a new alliance for a future of peace, security and
                   jU.S.tice for all? Why not try to form a coalition that will once
                   again proclaim on its flag the aspiration of liberty, equality
                   and brotherhood for all nations? Why not strive for democracy
                   not only within countries but also in relations among
                   countries? Why not believe that a better world is possible?

                   Mr. Chairman:

                   I cannot end without saying a few words on Cuba. I do so not
                   so much for our country – whose generoU.S. and brave people
                   have defeated aggression and economic warfare for more than
                   forty years – but rather becaU.S.e we think that the
                   manipulations concocted and the forceful condemnation
                   intended against Cuba could tomorrow be sought in this
                   Commission against any other country represented in this
                   hall. I am not, I repeat, thinking of Cuba – to which nothing
                   or nobody can deny a future of jU.S.tice and dignity for its
                   children – but of the credibility of this Human Rights
                   Commission and the United Nations System.

                   The United States has had to face a new situation this year.
                   On top of its exclU.S.ion from this Commission comes the
                   Czech Government’s announcement that it will not be
                   available to introduce the resolution against Cuba this time
                   around. Our country took note of this announcement and will
                   wait to see if such decision is final.

                   However, the U.S. Government, including its highest
                   authorities, is making frantic efforts in Latin America,
                   a lot of stick and little carrot, to get one or several countries
                   in our region to agree to play that infamoU.S. role. We trU.S.t
                   that no Judas will now appear on the Latin American scene.

                   I will not take a single minute to defend the generoU.S. and
                   noble work of the Cuban Revolution in favor of the civil,
                   political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Cuban
                   people. I will only say that there is no country that has the
                   moral authority to propose any censure of Cuba.

                   We will U.S.e all our strength to oppose the attempt to single
                   Cuba out. We will reject a resolution whatever its text and
                   will reject any other manipulation. We will not accept
                   conciliatory appeals or exhortations to cooperate, since they
                   are not necessary.

                   Should any government offer itself for the anti-Cuban
                   maneuver, we are sure that it would not be doing so out of
                   supposedly democratic convictions or a commitment to the
                   defense of human rights. It would be doing so out of lack of
                   courage to stand up to U.S. pressures and that betrayal could
                   only earn our contempt.

                   We very well know that our small country embodies – for
                   billions of men and women in Latin America, Africa, Asia and
                   Oceania who are currently struggling against despair – the
                   certainty that it is possible to live in an independent country
                   with freedom and jU.S.tice. Indeed, many millions of poor and
                   exploited people in the First World – who are joined by
                   intellectuals, some middle-class people and others whose
                   ethics reject the injU.S.tices, immorality and ecological risks
                   prevailing in the world of today – share this same certainty
                   and the same hope with the nations of the Third World that a
                   better world is possible and that they are prepared to
                   struggle for it. Seattle, Quebec, Davos, Genoa and other
                   similar events prove that this is so.

                   Since these times, my fellow delegates, are not for fears,
                   concessions and weaknesses, I would like to put formalities
                   aside and implore to be forgiven if I repeat what I said last
                   year when we were asked subservient gestures for the U.S.
                   Government, concluding my remarks with the slogan of a
                   heroic people that does not yield and will not yield to the
                   mightiest imperialist power that has ever existed in history:

                   Motherland or Death!

                   We shall overcome