Clement A. Evans, Confederate Military History Extended Edition, Vol. XIII, Louisiana (Wilmington, N.C.: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1988, Reprint), pages 556-557.

Joseph Augustin Quintero, born at Havana, Cuba, in 1829, died at New Orleans in 1885, was notable among those of foreign birth who supported the Confederate States in the struggle for independence. He was educated at Harvard college, Mass., but on account of the death of his father was unable to complete his course, and engaged in teaching Spanish at Cambridge, Mass., until about 1850, when he returned to Cuba, and became the publisher of a newspaper at Havana. Supporting the patriotic Cuban movement of I850-51, he was thrown in prison by the Spanish authorities and sentenced to be shot, but had the good fortune to escape from Morro Castle. Taking boat for Texas, he made his home at Richmond, in that State, studied law under Mirabeau B. Lamar, and was admitted to the practice. He also obtained appointment as translator of land titles at Austin, and was thus engaged until 1859, when he went to New York city and became connected with a Spanish-American illustrated paper, edited by George D. Squires, the Illustracion-Americano. When hostilities began in 1861 he decided to cast his lot with his Texas friends, and returning to that State, enlisted at San Antonio as a private in the Quitman Rifles, which he accompanied to Virginia. In the latter part of 1862 he was transferred to the diplomatic service, and appointed confidential agent of the Confederate States government in Mexico. In this capacity he went to Matamoros and remained until the close of the war. Then he made his home at New Orleans and entered the law office of Senator Thomas J. Semmes. He was appointed consul at New Orleans for Belgium and Costa Rica, and continued to represent the latter government until his death. In 1878 he was appointed United States commissioner and notary. As a lawyer, and in the performance of the various duties named, and as a member of the editorial staff of the New Orleans Picayune, Mr. Quintero was occupied until his death in 1885.