African American Female Slaves
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Slave schedules 1830
Slave schedules 1840
Slave census 1850
Free Inhabitants Census 1850
The Trial of Celia 1855
Celia, A Slave (
1855: The slave Celia, who had no right to resist
"Mad" Enough to Kill: Enslaved Women, Murder, and Southern Courts (The Journal of African American History, 2007)


The Cincinnati Fugitive Slave Case (Albany Evening Journal, Feb. 1, 1856, 2)
Trial of the Slave Mother and her Children (N.Y. Tribune, Feb. 16, 1856)
Ohio Fugitive Slave Case (Albany Evening Journal, Feb. 19, 1856, 2)
The Fugitive Slave Case  (N.Y. Tribune, Feb. 26, 1856)
The Cincinnati Fugitive Slave Case (Sandusky Register, OH, Feb. 28, 1856, 2)
Liberty or Death (Liberator, Feb. 29, 1856, 35)
The Fugitives Remanded Back to Slavery  (N.Y. Tribune, March 1, 1856, 6)
Rendition of the Fugitives  (N.Y. Tribune, March 3, 1856, 6)
The Criminal Charge Against the Negroes  (N.Y. Tribune, March 6, 1856, 6)
The Case of Margaret Garner (Liberator, May 2, 1856, 70)

John Wayles Hemings (1835-1892) in 1850 Ohio census
John Jefferson (1835-1892) in 1860 Wisconsin census
DNA Tests Offer Evidence That Jefferson Fathered a Child With His Slave
DNA tests suggest Jefferson fathered child with slave


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)
Chapter 6: The Jealous Mistress
Dr. James Norcom (1778-1850)
Samuel Tredwell Sawyer (1800-1865)
$100 Reward advertisement
1870 Federal Census, Cambridge, Mass.
1880 Federal Census, Washington, D.C.
Jean Fagan Yellin, Written by Herself: Harriet Jacobs' Slave Narrative, American Literature, Nov., 1981
The Harriet Jacobs Papers

KECKLEY, ELIZABETH (February 1818 – May 1907)

Behind the Scenes or Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House (1868)
Chapter 3: How I Gained My Freedom
A Literary Thunderbolt! Boston Daily Advertiser, April 15, 1868
Gossip, Newark Advocate (Newark, OH), May 1, 1868
Life in the White House when Mr. Lincoln was President, Vermont Chronicle, May 9, 1868
Extraordinary Novelty! Boston Daily Advertiser, June 27, 1868

Anna Kingsley Plantation, Florida

A Slave Girl Purchased in Rev. H. W. Beecher's Church, Boston Evening Transcript, June 3, 1856, 1
An Exciting Scene at Plymouth Church, Centinel Of Freedom (Newark), June 3, 1856, 3
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Alexandria Gazette, June 5, 1856, 2
A Singular Incident in Mr. H. W. Beecher's Church, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (NY), June 14, 1856, 7
Sunday in Beecher's Church, Alexandria Gazette, June 23, 1856, 2
A Speck of a Row, Chicago Times, June 26, 1856, 1
A Scene in Church, Liberator (Boston) July 18, 1856, 113
Beecher and the Slave Girl, Richmond Whig, July 29, 1856, 2
An Abolition Trick, Rock River Democrat (Rockford, IL), July 29, 1856, 2
Beecher Sold! Columbus Tri Weekly Enquirer, July 31, 1856, 2
Beecher and the Slaver Girl, NY Herald Tribune, Aug. 2, 1856, 4
Sold, New Orleans Daily Creole, Aug. 4, 1856, 2
Augusta community indignation at Rev. Beecher, Alexandria Gazette, Aug. 5, 1856, 3
The Slave Sarah, Milwaukee Sentinel, Aug. 9, 1856, 2
A Pro-Slavery Slander Refuted-- A Letter from Mr. Scheffer, Cleveland Leader, Aug. 11, 1856, 2
The Slave Girl, Springfield Republican (Springfield, MA), Sept. 2, 1856, 2
Nancy Johnson Census, 1850
Nancy Johnson Census, 1860


Reminiscences of My Life in Camp with the 33d USCT


Painter, Nell Irving. Representing Truth: Sojourner Truth's Knowing and Becoming Known (The Journal of American History, Sept. 1994)


Harriet Ross, 1860 Maryland census
Harriet Tubman (The Liberator, Feb. 21, 1862)

Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman (1869)
Harriet Tubman (Cleveland Leader, March 4, 1869)

A "Panic" in the Local Gold Market (Auburn Daily Bulletin, NY, Oct. 2, 1873)
Harriet Tubman's Adventure (Auburn Daily Bulletin, NY, Oct. 2, 1873)
A $2,000 Gold Swindle (Troy, NY, Times, Oct. 11, 1873)
Harriet T. Davis, 1900 New York census
Freedom's Heroine (Colored American, Oct. 5, 1901)
An Hour With Harriet Tubman (Freeman [Indianapolis], Sept. 30, 1911)
Harriet Tubman Davis: Noted Negro Woman Who Died Recently (Daily People [NY], March 14, 1913)

Harriet Tubman, Once Famous Negress, Dead (Freeman [Indianapolis], March 22, 1913)
Bradford, Sarah H. Harriet: The Moses of her People (1897)
Congress and Harriet Tubman's Claim for a Pension




A Short Account of Phillis Wheatley (The Liberator, Feb. 18, 1832)
On Being Brought From Africa to America (The Liberator, March 17, 1832)
On Virtue (The Liberator, Feb. 18, 1832)
Goliath of Gath (The Liberator, Feb. 28, 1832)
On the Death of the Rev. Mr George Whitefield (The Liberator, April 7, 1832)
To a Clergyman, on the Death of his Lady (The Liberator, May 12, 1832)
Phillis Wheatley, the Negro-Slave Poet (Boston Daily Advertiser, Dec. 21, 1863)
Phillis Wheatley's Poems (Rocky Mountain News, Jan. 9, 1887)
The Poetess Found on a Slave Ship (Chicago Daily Inter Ocean, March 12, 1893)

C. W. Harper, Black Aristocrats: Domestic Servants on the Antebellum Plantation (Phylon, 2nd. Quarter, 1985)