From:  <
            Date:  2006/10/06 Fri AM 09:55:08 EDT
            To:  <>
            CC:  <>
            Subject:  Trashing Cubans
            Dear Mr. P. Tira:
            The insolence and lackadaisical attitude of The Herald towards Cubans is appalling.
            A lot more cleaning than the dismissal of Mr. Diaz is needed at The Herald.we are out of Cuba because we were betrayed,
            time and again, by who we thought were our allies.
            We are grateful to the American people who has been understanding. We have also contributed to our hosting nation, like no
            other immigrants in the past, according to statistics.
            We will not tolerate to be trashed by anyone. We, as civilized, honest and decent people. We will stand up to anyone who offend us.


            Francisco A. Campos, M.D.
            Miami, Fl.