The New York Times

April 9, 1957.  p. 14.


Cuban Seeks Asylum

Woman Opposition Leader in Mexican Embassy

Special to the New York Times.

            HAVANA, April 8—Dr. Maria Teresa Freyre de Andrade, a leader of the Opposition Ortodoxo party has sought refuge in the Mexican Embassy, according to reports here tonight.

            So far the Ministry of State has not announced the receipt of a request from the embassy for the safe conduct of Dr. Freyre out of Cuba.  Cuba is signatory to the political Asylum pact among Latin-American nations.

            Earlier in the day the Executive Committee of the Ortodoxo party protested against the arrest yesterday of the widow of Dr. Pelayo Cuervo and her two sons.  The bullet-riddled body of Dr. Cuervo, prominent Opposition leader, was found several hours after the attack on the presidential palace March 13.