Cuban Jews

A descendant of Turkish immigrants to Cuba, Jose Levy Tur leads the Centro Sefardi, one of three synagogues in Havana, and the only Sephardic one in the city. The majority of Cuba's Jews are Sephardic, says Levy, though American visitors seem to want to hear mostly about the Ashkenazi. (Photo: Jorge Rey)

Cuban American Temple 
Beth Shmuel, Miami, Fla.

Moto Mendel Weis
Judaism in Cuba 1959-1999
A Brief History of the Sephardic Presence in Cuba
The Jewish Community of Cuba 1898-1939 (English/Hebrew dissertation)

Cuban Jews Await Pope's Arrival
Cuban Jews celebrate Seder

Cuban government helped Cuban Jews leave
Israel worried Cuban Jewish migration at risk
La unidad ha sido clave en el éxito de los cubanos judíos
Report: Castro Let Jews Go To Israel

Cuba's small Jewish community 'may disappear in 50 years'
Jewish life slowly rebuilding in Cuba
At Edges of Elian's Spotlight Are Other Divided Families

Cuba's other exiles: Cuban Jews started over in Dallas
My Own Private Cuba

'JEWBAN' to state: Hands off my plate!
Cuban Jew group makes first-ever visit to Israel

Memorial, foreigners help Cuban Jews embrace culture
Cuba tests Jews' faith
L’Chaim Cuba!
Fallece el empresario exiliado Natan Roberto Rok a los 68 años

Group heads to Cuba to give Jewish community support
Feldenkreis, símbolo del sueño americano
Latin Jews finding a home in South Florida

Cuban Jewish leader dies at 80
Castro can't make it, but Cuban Jews mark 100 years on islands

Jewish children part of 1960s Pedro Pan exodus from Cuba