Cuban Catholics

Havana Cathedral

Padre Felix Varela

Bishop Antonio Maria Claret autobiography
El Mindszenty del siglo XIX, arzobispo de Cuba, el gran perseguido, beato Antonio Maria Claret (Diario de la Marina, Sept. 18, 1949, 44)

The Cardinal's Forehead (Time, Sept. 7, 1953)

Exhortacion del Episcopado (Bohemia, Marzo 3, 1958)

Cuban Rebel Priests
in the Sierra Maestra

Cartoons against the Catholic
Church in the Cuban Press

Our Lady of Charity The Hispanic American Historical Review (Nov., 1922)
Interpretations of Church and State in Cuba, 1959-1961 The Catholic Historical Review 89.3 (2003) 511-529

Church and State
Papal Visit to Cuba (CNN)
Papal Visit to Cuba (New York Times)

Cuban Church Calls For a Unity Regime To Halt Bloodshed (N.Y. Times, March 1, 1958)
Church Plea Irks Batista’s Regime  (N.Y. Times, March 2, 1958)
Cuba Jails Bishop and a Priest on Charges of Holding Dollars (N.Y. Times, April 18, 1961)

Cardinal Jaime Ortega

After Lift of a Papal Visit, the Cuban Church Has a Letdown
Autorizan 2 procesiones en La Habana
Bishops in Cuba propose gradual change for island
Bishops launch conference in Havana
Cardenal cubano dictará conferencia sobre derechos humanos en Costa Rica
Cardenal pide dejen construir iglesias
Cardinal calls for 'forgiveness' in Cuba
Catholic bishops discuss Americas strategy in Cuba
Christmas in Cuba OKd by Communists
Cuba agrees to let Cardinal broadcast Christmas message
Cuba approves entry of 19 more Catholic priests
Cuba Bug Angers Vatican
Cuba Posing New Obstacles for Church
Cuban church speaking out on sensitive issues
Cuba religious fervor shows legacy of papal trip
Cuban cardinal slowly helps church regain lost ground
Cuban Catholics celebrate Palm Sunday
Cuban Catholics observe Good Friday with rare procession
Cuba's Catholic bishops call for unity this holiday season
Cuba's Catholic church enjoys Easter freedom
Fuerte la fe en la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre
Graying Cubans Turn to Church
Holiday march in Cuba a victory for Catholics
La iglesia pide una aministiá de presos y más acceso a los cárceles
Monseñor Pedro Meurice, un roble del espiscopado cubano
One year after papal visit, legacy helps shape Cuba
Ortega pide derechos humanos sin ideologías
Padre Felix Varela US Postage Stamp
Pope tells bishops U.S. economic embargo is 'unjust'
Pope to Honor 19th-Century Priest
Pope urges Cubans to continue pastoral work with 'fervor'Rebel Finds Spiritual Rebirth in Faith he Forsook
Reconoce el Gobierno el aumento de la fe religiosa
Roman Catholic Church in Cuba
Salvation Through Christ or Marx: Religion in Revolutionary Cuba
Thousands honor Virgin of Charity on feast day
Vatican envoy praises democracy at Cuban conference
Vicario: Castro va a gobernar toda la vida

Cientos de personas asisten a procesión del Viernes Santo
Cuban bishop denounces defectors' helpers
Cuban cleric sees no cause for defection
El cardenal Ortega deja fuera la política de su homilía
La Iglesia saluda la realización de la feria
Religion in Cuba

Cuba has a delicate balance between church and state
Cuba's Catholic Church leaders refuse to challenge recent crackdown on dissent
Cuban Cardinal Says Pope's Visit Changed Little
Cuba's bishops criticize jailings
Cuba's clergy on cautious course


Fallece el obispo auxiliar de La Habana
Exhiben 'La pasión de Cristo' en varias parroquias de La Habana
La fe y el oro brillan con estilo único al centro de la isla
Nota de los Obispos cubanos sobre las medidas económicas de los gobiernos de Cuba y Estados Unidos de América
Celebran sacerdocio de obispo cubano
Elogia el Papa la Semana Social Católica cubana
St. Lazarus carries weight with Cubans

Cierran en Cuba revista católica
Cuban church: Prelate treated rudely at MIA
From enemy to possible pope
Fidel receives representatives of the Catholic Church on the 70th anniversary of relations between Cuba and the Holy See

Católicos cubanos acuden a procesiones

Muere decano de la prensa católica cubana
Catholic church losing strength in Cuba


Tarcisio Bertone and Raul Castro                      Tarcisio Bertone and Felipe Perez Roque

Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Cuba
Cuba and the Vatican