New Cuban cigar to light up Havana anniversary, summit
HAVANA (AP) -- San Cristobal de La Habana, a new brand of Cuban
cigars, goes on the market next week in honor of the 480th anniversary
Havana's founding and the beginning of the Ibero-American summit.
The San Cristobal de La Habana is the fifth brand produced by Habanos
S.A. Corp. since the introduction of the Cohiba. Habanos also produces
the Trinidad cigar.
The new San Cristobal de La Habana will have four different varieties,
named for the fortresses and castles built around Havana during the Spanish
colonial period: Morro, Principe, Punta and Fuerza.
The new cigars will be sold initially in Havana and later marketed first
Europe and then in the rest of the world in 2000.
Heads of state from Spain, Portugal and most Latin American nations will
gather in Havana on Monday and Tuesday for the annual summit designed to
strengthen ties between Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking nations.