Guerrillas in 

Niall Connolly, James Monaghan, and
Martin McCauley arrested in Bogota.

A Dying Boy's Wish Only the Rebels Can Grant
A Fatal Battle Worsens in Colombia: The War on Journalists
American recounts kidnapping in Colombia
Araujo, ex-Colombian culture minister, slain
Armas de 10 ejércitos nutren a las guerrillas colombianas
Army: Colombia guerrillas violated peace deal
Army life takes turn in spotlight
Attacks Shut Off Oil Lifeline
Battered Veterans on Both Sides of Colombia's War Unite to Seek Peace
Blast blamed on Colombian rebels kills 5
Bombing Adds Leverage to Bill Bolstering Colombia's Military
Boy Who Moved Colombia, Not Rebels, Dies
Building protects refugees of war
Cae un jefe de las FARC
Clashes in Colombia leave at least 24 dead
'Cocoon,' dreams of freedom keeping hostage in Colombia alive
Colombia Adds Troops at Rebel Zone as Deadline Nears
Colombia and Rebels Agree on Restarting Peace Talks
Colombia arrest fourth Irish man
Colombia arrests Cuban suspected of links to rebels
Colombia Increases Military's Powers
Colombia leader, chief rebel make deal to negotiate truce
Colombian leader meets army before rebel deadline
Colombia Massacre's Strange Fallout
Colombia Nabs Brazilian Fugitive
Colombia rebels blow prison gate, free 68 inmates
Colombia Rebels Say They May Free 100 Prisoners
Colombia Resuming Talks
Colombian Army Says Rebels Helped Fugitive Drug Lord
Colombian General Convicted
Colombian Guerrilla Groups Allying
Colombia guerrillas free Japanese hostage
Colombian activist leaving country after death threat
Colombian Indians Resist an Encroaching War
Colombian military hunts for column of fleeing guerrillas
Colombian Military Officers Convicted in '97 Village Killings
Colombian Offers to Meet Rebels and Extend Zone
Colombian Peace Aide Meets Rebels Over Killing
Colombian peace talks end on positive note
Colombian police arrest women carrying ransom
Colombian rebels admit taking Briton
Colombian rebels elude raids
Colombian rebels free American backpacker
Colombian Rebels in Attack
Colombian Rebels Suspend Peace Talks
Colombian rebels train for urban warfare
Colombian Reporters Seek Elusive Truth Amid Peril
Colombia's Army Steps Up Its Challenge to Rebels
Colombia's Peace Bid at Risk
Colombia's Repatriated P.O.W.'s Face Though Adjustment
Colombia's top rebel agrees to meet president
Congress Widens Army Power in Colombia
Culture Minister's Killing Adds to Colombian Leader's Problems
Curtain lifted on U.S. Green Berets' training of Colombian troops
Death toll seen rising at Colombian massacre site
Dozens Dead in Attacks By Groups in Colombia
Ecuador Afraid as a Drug War Heads Its Way
Ecuador finds Colombian rebel camp
8 Die in Grenade Attack
El conflicto colombiano se desborda por las fronteras de Perú y Ecuador
El Ejército vigilará a Bogotá desde las alturas
El ELN busca la fortuna del `cura' Pérez
El Museo de Colombia quiere exhibir la toalla de 'Tirofijo'
For crooning Colombia rebel, song mightier than sword
Foreign Diplomats Lose Optimism on Colombia Peace Talks
Former Colombian congressman killed
German escapes Colombian rebels
Germany warns Colombian rebels to free hostages
Guerrillas gain ground in Colombia
Gunmen Kill Leader of Peace Panel in Colombia
Gunman kills Colombian rebel chief's brother
In Colombia, a Local Push for Peace
In Colombia, Guns Spell Power
In Twist, Rebels Help Drug Effort in Colombia
In Unruly Colombia, a Mother Hopes for Missing Son's Return
IRA suspect is Sinn Fein's Cuba envoy
Irishman killed in Colombia battle
Key Columbia oil pipeline out after rebel sabotage
Kidnappers in Colombia Branch Out to Venezuela
The Kidnapping Economy in Colombia
Kidnappings of Colombian mayors jeopardize accord
Las FARC extorsionan a 2,000 empresas
Las FARC propinan un duro golpe al ejército colombiano
Lawyer:Alleged IRA trio fears attacks
Left Becomes Target at Colombian Universities
Leftist rebels abduct at least 15 in Colombia
Meeting With Rebels Crucial for Colombia's Leader
More than 40 injured in Colombia car bombing
Mystery man in videos has Colombia perplexed
Mystery surrounds Colombian firefight death
Panama police seize arms, explosives
Panel to Aid Bogotá Talks
Peace Effort in Colombia Near a Standstill
Peace Talks to Resume in Colombia
Program helps Colombia's child guerrillas to find peace
Radio airs Colombia's anguish
Ranchers Organize Vigilante Groups
Rebel attacks hinder Plan Colombia
Rebel death may radicalize, split Colombia's ELN
Rebel Force in Colombia Repatriates 242 More P.O.W.'s
Rebel Leader Faces Drug Arrest
Rebels blamed in mortar attack in Bogota
Rebels block 'safe' zone
Rebels Blur the Lines in Drug War
Rebels Linked to Drug Trade by Arrests in Colombia
Rebels May Reduce Use of Missiles
Rebel to Meet Colombian President
Rebels' bomb try thwarted, U.S. says
Rebels in Colombia Free 4 in the Start of a Prisoner Exchange
Refugees watch, wait in Venezuela
Report: Suspected IRA members trained rebels
Residents of Colombia's deadliest town hope for end to violence
Rights Group Lists Abuses by Guerrillas in Colombia
Sanctuary for Talks Gives Way to Fierce Fighting in Colombia
Some Hopeful Signs as Colombia Meets With Rebels and Envoys
Talking Peace on Rebel Turf
Talks Resume in Colombia
Top Rebel in Colombia Warns Government
Twelve people massacred in northern Colombia
U.N. says Colombian armed groups steal food aid
Unarmed Colombian villagers defy rebels, rescue police
U.S. envoy compares Colombian guerrillas to bin Laden
U.S. Now Sees Possible Role In Colombian Peace Talks
U.S. Says Colombian Rebels Fired on American Civilians
Venezuela and Colombia Square Off Over Rebel
Venezuelan Justices Approve the Extradition of a Colombian Rebel
Vientos de paz, dolor de guerra
War With an Absent Army
Where a Little Coca Is as Good as Gold
Wider War in Colombia
Witness in suspected IRA case in Colombia vanishes
We're Doing Battle Right and Left, Colombia Insists
Woman's brave act ends in death in Colombia

Acuerdo en Colombia dará más territorios a las FARC
Aeropirata estaba harto de las FARC
Angustiosa zozobra en la zona cercada por el ejército colombiano
Capturan a cabecilla guerrillero colombiano
Capturan al cerebro financiero de las FARC
Cómo cayeron
Crece el misterio sobre rebelde llevado a Cuba
2,000 ejecutados por guerrillas en cuatro años
El Ejército reinicia ofensiva contra las FARC
El poder de fuego de las FARC. Armados hasta los dientes
EU busca extraditar a jefes guerrilleros de Colombia
Forzado el ejército colombiano a defender al ELN
Incierta la situación en La Caucana
La CIA revela detalles de accidente de avión espía
La guerrilla colombiana obtuvo el año pasado $110 millones por 'impuesto'
Las FARC cobran $408 millones en impuestos
Las FARC hacen $281 millones en extorsiones
Las FARC, los terroristas más peligrosos de América
Las Farc, ¿una guerrilla dividida?
Los rebeldes colombianos actúan a sus anchas en Venezuela
Más de un millón de colombianos se fueron del país entre 1998 y 2000
Más de 3 millones de colombianos emigran por la guerra y la pobreza
Miles se niegan a ser zona neutral para el ELN
Niños de las FARC siembran el terror en Colombia
Dejan 50 muertos los combates de las FARC y los paramilitares
Piden encausar a las FARC por abusos a menores
Sangriento motín entre guerrilleros y paramilitares
Sangriento saldo de combates en Colombia
Secuestran las FARC a importante funcionario