Chinese Immigrants
in the United States

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 P. T. Barnum's traveling carnival exhibited the "most extraordinary curiosity yet," a
 living Chinese family.

Angel Island Immigration Station, San Francisco, 1916.
Boarding pass for Chin Shee, 1911.

Woo Hong Neok of Lancaster, Pa.,
 served in the Union Army
 the Civil War.
San Francisco Chinese laundry, 1881.


Thomas Nast cartoons

Chinese Immigration and the Chinese in the United States (U.S. National Archives)
Angel Island: Immigrant Journeys of Chinese Americans 
Angel Island Photo Gallery
The Chinese American Experience 1857-1892
Chinese Historical Society of Southern California 
Historical Documents
A review of chinese immigration to Mexico
Enforcing the Borders: Chinese Exclusion along the U.S. Borders with Canada and Mexico, 1882–1924
Chinese Americans Emerge as a Political Power in S.F.
In Chinatown, Matters of Tea and Trust
The Demon of the Orient
Appeal from California. The Chinese Invasion. Workingmen’s Address. (Indianapolis Times, Feb. 28, 1878)
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Chinese Exclusion Act Case Files and the USCIS Master Index
The Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act (1943) 
Becoming American: The Chinese Experience PBS
Chinese-American Museum of Chicago
John Tommy killed in the battle of Gettysburg (Boston Daily Advertiser, July 10, 1863)
John Tommy, the Chinaman killed at Gettysburg (San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Aug. 1, 1863)
The Chinese-American Question: An undelivered Address by John Swinton New York Tribune, June 30, 1870, 1